I’m not one for “New Year’s Resolutions.”

I’m always resolving to do one thing or another, make a tweak here, work on that there. I’m more of a “continual edification” kind of gal… constantly changing and growing and refining. Hopefully, for the better. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Always seeking God’s will for my life.

There are plenty of things that I need to improve on in the coming year, things I need to keep working on, and new things I want to try.

I’m really good at making ambitious lists. I mean, I don’t want to brag or anything but DUDE, I can make impossible To Do lists like nobody’s business. It’s a skill.

And not just for the new year, either, but I pretty much do it on a day to day basis, too. I rarely ever get everything done. Shucks, I don’t even get most of it done. But I always a have list to look at when I want to find something to do next and next and next.

Last year I made a sort of “bucket” list of things I wanted to do for 2010. As I looked it over the other day, I realized that I’d forgotten about it at some point and I stopped thinking about those “goals.” Other things I never really forgot about, but I just didn’t see them through.

I want to do a list for 2011, but first let’s take a look at 2010’s list to see what needs to carry over. No sense wasting those good list ideas. The more the merrier, right?

2010’s Bucket List

1. Write, complete and sell an e-book.ย  Ummm, nope! Started. Several.
2. Grow and harvest and not kill at least one tomato plant. Not this one either! Tried. Killed. Several.
3. Learn how to can something. Anything I can do on the stovetop. Strawberry jam perhaps? I DID this one! I made grape jelly!
4. Lose 55 lbs โ€“ and keep it off for the rest of the year. BWAHAHA! (I lost about 10 pounds. Twice. Gained it back. Does that count for anything?)
5. Move out of this really old rental house. Most likely going to happen this spring. <—— DIDN’T HAPPEN. Delayed. To March. (I hope.)
6. After we move, paint my kitchen in a coffee theme again โ€” and this time finish it!! Obviously, this one didn’t get to happen.
7. Replace one of our vehicles with a โ€œnewโ€ used car so we have two reliable vehicles again. Hey! We did this one, too!
8. Meet up with Heather@Sprittibee again โ€“ that was fun! I didn’t even TRY. =( Heather, next time I go to my mom’s house I WILL let you know!
9. Finish [reading] a non-fiction book. Any non-fiction book. Just to prove it can be done. By me, I mean. Um, I read Treasure Island. I’m sure that counts... (I also read several non fiction books.)
10. Read the bible in 90 Days, just not starting in January. And it doesnโ€™t count for number nine! Ooh, another one I STARTED. I made it through Deuteronomy. *sigh*

Hm. I guess I didn’t score so well, huh? I guess it’s a good thing I only listed ten! Well, so what?! I’ll just try again in 2011! That’s what we list makers do best. Start a new list and carry things over. So with that said…

A Really Long List for 2011

  1. Write an ebook. The first one I’m going to work on and complete is the Unit Study I started writing. And no starting new projects with unfinished projects on the plate.
  2. Write a book. I started one a few years ago, I started one in 2010. I’m going to finish one of them at least.
  3. Move. One way or another. I’m leaving that one in God’s hands.
  4. Keep going to the new church with James. Make sure we get there on time, lay out clothes the night before.
  5. Start working out. Hmm. I notice that one has “start” in it but no “finish.” Truth is, my sister in law and I already agreed to start working out together.
  6. Read through the bible. ALL THE WAY. There’s another Bible in 90 Days beginning January 3rd.. I haven’t decided if I’m going to join in or not.
  7. Establish a morning routine – again – for reading & praying. I had one. Then I didn’t. Then I did. Regardless of whether or not I join in Bible in 90 Days, this is a must!
  8. More canning. Can something in the summer (strawberry jam?) and something in the fall (applesauce?) That will DOUBLE my canning successes of 2010. =p
  9. Paint a painting. I enjoyed painting in high school. I had a dream about painting recently. My oldest would like to learn to paint. Maybe we’ll incorporate it into school somehow.
  10. Organize photos and make at least one scrapbook. I’ve already ordered a scrapbook and set of “Family” embellishments/papers!
  11. Organize/Purge/BackUp digital photos.
  12. Frame and hang unframed professional family photos.
  13. Reupholster the couch and chair. I’ve been wanting to do this for YEARS! It’s just so intimidating!
  14. Read at least 6 books. Fiction and non-fiction, I just need to increase my face-to-page reading time.
  15. Start using my home management binder again. It helps to keep things like lists *ahem* handy for frequent review.
  16. Get back in the habit of using the homeschool planner again. It helped a lot, I just got out of the habit.
  17. Do the taxes. Before April 1.
  18. Establish a regular bill paying, checkbook reconciling routine.
  19. Pay off newly purchased car early.
  20. Thoroughly purge, organize and set up a working “utility” cabinet over the washer & dryer. This means purging odd tools, properly stocking and storing consumables like light bulbs and batteries and using appropriate storage to make it accessible.
  21. Sew curtains for the cabinets in the kitchen.
  22. Take good (professional?) family photos.
  23. Replace the net and cover for the springs on the trampoline. Fix it up for the spring.
  24. Build my own shelf for the living room wall. And a letter/word art piece to go on it.
  25. Get the piano tuned. Encourage Princess to start learning/practicing scales and basics.
  26. Find & download basic recorder lessons. Encourage Drama Queen to begin practicing/learning scales and basics.
  27. Try to teach Little Prince to read (you know, should he be willing to learn.)
  28. Continue journaling daily gifts until the journal is full.
  29. Pay library fine. And get back in the habit of going to the library regularly.
  30. Take the kids to the park regularly. Shoot for once a week? Weather permitting.
  31. Re-think menu planning habits. Add new menus. Organize. Involve kids.
  32. Develop a habit of fixing face and hair in the morning. Not fancy, just clean and tidy.
  33. Re-string the guitar. And start practicing again.
  34. Re-paint Little Prince’s dresser.
  35. Encourage Princess to blog each week. Teaching her how to take & edit photos, write, & “design” her blog.
  36. Teach Princess to cook.
  37. Get the crowns/bridge I need for my teeth.
  38. Make 2 or 3 more DIY Hurricane Vases.
  39. Re-hang the shelf in the bathroom.
  40. De-clutter files on laptop. Organize. Delete & organize the bookmarks.

I could probably keep thinking of more but that seems like plenty to aim for already, doesn’t it? I’m really excited about a lot of those. I also need to add #41 Organize list into smaller groups by season and #42 to post the front of my home management binder so I can see and check it often. I also have a list of “important things” that I review frequently and I’ll post the two together.

So 2011 is already shaping up to be a busy year! And January is looking like it’s going to be one of the busiest!

If I could sum it all up in one word I would say, “Well-Functioning.” (That counts as one word, right?) I want my home to be smooth running, I want our school to be smooth and functional, I want the things in my home to be maintained and functional, I want my personal life and my spiritual life to be well-functioning and maintained. I’m not looking for perfect — just a well oiled machine, a sense of order, a regular flow to our day. DOESN’T THAT SOUND NICE? Yeah. I thought so, too.

What about you? What do you hope for 2011? Do you make lists or do you wing it?

{Updated: I broke it up by season and gave it a page!}

This post is linked up to:

Sprittibee’s Big Fat Annual List Tradition

5 Minutes for Mom

Other good posts to read:

Goal Setting, Parts 1 and 2 @ Boasting In My Weakness.

When Tasks Consume All The Time You Allot Them – Just something to think about when setting goals.

3 in 30 : Making Goals Reality 3 at a Time. (Something ELSE I’m going to be doing in January.)

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!