by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 108 RESULTS
on the farm preschool study

On the Farm, Preschool Unit

Preschoolers love learning about farms! Doing a preschool farm study is a great way to introduce them to some new things outside of their small world. Unless you live on a farm, most four year olds haven’t seen cows and pigs and goats in real life. Also, most kids like animals and baby animals so it’s a win-win. =) “On the Farm” is the second study we are doing for …

Leftovers School at Home

Preschool: Apples & Seeds Unit

*This post contains affiliate links.* Apples, seeds (and a little bit of pears and other fruit trees.) These are the things that we are studying in our first preschool unit! As I’ve mentioned, the majority of our preschool approach is “books, hands on activities, and nature study.” While using apple and seed themed materials to work on reading, writing, and math, we are also learning about science, art, cooking, gardening, …