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Happy Saturday! I have a lot of good stuff for you (really) so stick it out to the end of this post!

This has been a very busy past two weeks, and I haven’t had a chance to do a wrap up post. So I’m just going to hit the highlights, okay?

In My Life

Not a very good picture of my delicious cake but was quite tasty!
Not a very good picture of my delicious cake but was quite tasty!

I celebrated my 35th birthday last week and it turned out to be a pretty good day. I made the best chocolate peanut butter cake. YUM! (<– Trust me, you want to go check out that link.) Also, I have a very funny husband… he makes me laugh. He gave me a gift with a root beer, some chocolate ice cream, an autographed picture of himself (at work) and a card that he bought new but made to look like he had used it for our son and then repurposed it for me. But then he took me out on a date. ;)

I have a husband with a sense of humor - even when it comes to birthday gifts.

My husband preached his second sermon last Sunday. I’m so proud of him. No, he’s not finished with seminary yet but he’s helped out as a “substitute” when the pastor has been out of town twice now. He works so hard on his sermons and seeks God’s will so diligently– did I mention that I’m proud of him?

In Our School

School has been going well, as we’ve continued working on getting back into a good routine and continued adding more to our agenda each week.

How We Start Our School Day

This week we began reading the third Apologia worldview book, “Who Is My Neighbor?” and we’re trying something new, listening to the lessons on cd. I told the kids that I didn’t care whether we did that or whether I read the lessons, but I think they like the cd better. (And to be honest, they don’t interrupt and they listen better. Figures. Hmph.)

We also continued through our studies of Zoology 3 and Mystery of History 2 (we loved reading about Vikings!) We also had a great opportunity to use our WonderMaps software to look up “Scandinavia.” We also had fun with our Maestro Classics “The Scorcerer’s Apprentice” and the online curriculum guide that goes with it.

We’re taking our first break next week, but when we reconvene we’re going to be adding back in our art study (with See the Light Art,) add in our Spanish lessons, and finish filling out our language arts study with some Shakespeare! Oh my!

Around the Internet

Good stuff for you!! There has been a ton of good stuff put out this week so I’ve got lots of links to share with you.

Giggle of the week: the voice over for the kitty-cats “pattycaking” made my day. I amuse easily. ;)

Recent posts you may have missed:
WonderMaps for Relaxed Geography
Make your own Books of the Bible Game
Do Homeschoolers Need to Be Socialized?
When a Boy Wants a Pet Lizard

The Books of the Bible Game we made last week.
The Books of the Bible Game we made last week.


 Linked up with Collage Friday, Weekly Wrap Up and Homeschool Mother’s Journal.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!