by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 9 RESULTS

How to: Taking Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits

How to Take Your Own Homeschool Senior Portraits Taking your own homeschool senior portraits is a bit of a challenge but something you can totally pull off with some planning and effort. (This is something else we were trying to do in the middle of graduating early and planning a graduation and registering for classes.) Ideally, you won’t be trying to get all of these things done at once. Even …

Homeschooling in Texas Our School

The Homeschool Graduation Ceremony; How to Graduate Your Homeschool Child Part 2

Believe it or not, planning the homeschool graduation ceremony was the hardest part of graduating our daughter.  That is both because actually graduating her was quite easy, AND because planning the ceremony had more decisions to make. Actually… the *hardest* part was doing both of those at the same time, which is the major drawback to graduating in December. But I digress.  The Texas homeschool graduation ceremony, like everything else, …

How to Graduate Your Homeschool Child
Homeschooling in Texas School at Home

How to: Graduate Your Homeschool Child (in Texas), Part 1

We now have a high school graduate! As I mentioned in my last post, we graduated our oldest  in December, and it was quite the adventure! We had asked around and researched the benefits/drawbacks of graduating in December vs. May, and whether or not you should consider doing that is topic for another post. 😉 In the end, we figured out all the details and we finished that race on …