by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 5 RESULTS
Leftovers School at Home

Preschool: Apples & Seeds Unit

*This post contains affiliate links.* Apples, seeds (and a little bit of pears and other fruit trees.) These are the things that we are studying in our first preschool unit! As I’ve mentioned, the majority of our preschool approach is “books, hands on activities, and nature study.” While using apple and seed themed materials to work on reading, writing, and math, we are also learning about science, art, cooking, gardening, …

Play Based Nature Rich Preschool Image
School at Home

Our Play-Based Nature-Rich Preschool Plan

After so many years of experience and several months of researching, I still don’t know what to call our preschool approach: “a little Montessori/Waldorf/Reggio with a lot of nature and play and reading?” That doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. I’m going to have to settle (for now) with just “play-based nature-rich preschool.” I think that about does it. Whatever it’s “called” doesn’t matter anyway, (and honestly it’s only very …

Preschool homeschool do's and don'ts
School at Home

My Preschool Homeschool Do’s and Don’ts

The first time I started homeschooling a preschooler, I was 24 with a three-year-old and a newborn baby. Now THAT three-year-old is 24 with a newborn baby (true story.) Needless to say, a few things have changed between that first preschool homeschool adventure and now. Those early days of preschool were quite simple, focusing mainly on reading and math for 30 minutes a day, with a good amount of arts …