by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 19 RESULTS
weekly wrap up with the books
Just Me

The One With All the Books

It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve taken the time to do a simple weekly wrap-up. This wrap-up is the one with all the books. It’s also the one where are finding our groove, chasing minimalism, and reading all-the-things. . . We took an early Christmas break back in December and started our school year back up on January 16th, when Catie’s college classes started back up again. …

Blogging and Memes Our School

Summer Heat, DK Books, the Library ~ Weekly Wrap-Up

[maxbutton id=”1″] The past two weeks have seriously overflowed with books. We have so many books! (I love books.) The past two weeks have also been very HOT, in spite of some unexpected Summer rain. We’re approaching the most miserable part of the summer, so, how about that air conditioner? I didn’t take nearly enough pictures this week, I’ll have to do better next week. 😉  Around the house… The …