You may have noticed a tiny little name change around here. You see… this new season in life needs a new name that fits where I am now. When I had our surprise, late-in-life, rainbow baby in 2020, I started an Instagram account called wrinklesnrainbows–and honestly I quite love that name. It fits where I am in this season of life… wrinkles because I’m over 45 and rainbows because our sweet rainbow baby makes me young again. She’s such a joy!

A bloggy name update.
I didn’t want to start a new blog and start over from scratch. I also didn’t feel quite satisfied with just “classic housewife” anymore. The compromise finally jumped out at me – I’m still the same me just in a new chapter, and this is still my same blog.. in a new chapter. Whereas before I wrote a lot about homeschooling older kids, and also other housewifery things, now I’m writing mostly about preschooling, younger kids, and parenting. It’s backwards but it’s fun. 😉
If you happen upon my blog by finding one of my older posts first, or if you’re new here and you’re wondering what kind of things you’ll find here, I can definitely say that I’m going about things differently this time in other ways, too.
- I’m not interested in doing reviews, sponsored posts, or paid writing. I’m writing for me.
- I’m not overworking myself on monetizing – I have google adsense ads because it’s easy. You’ll find amazon affiliate links, too. But again. I’m writing for me.
- I’m not pushing myself to try to get posts out every day like I did before, but I’m aiming for once a week or so. I want to enjoy writing.
- I *am* making my own printables and things now. I’m getting better at using Canva everyday! I’m posting these in my store, but I want to keep them low cost. My pricing plan is simple: if it’s over 10 pages of material then it’s 3.99, if it’s 5-10 pages then it’s 2.99. I also try to include things that can be used over and over instead of single use. Creating these pages does take time but it’s something I can do in bits and pieces and at my own pace, and that’s important to me.

More than that, if you’ve caught any of my new posts you’ve read me talking about my different homeschooling approach this time. Being older, I’m more patient in a lot of ways (even while in the midst of perimenopause!) This allows for more patience with messy learning, craft making, and other hands-on projects. It also allows for plenty of time to inspect nature and investigate interesting things.
Lil Miss Mouse and I often enjoy gardening together, baking (cookies, bread, cakes,) canning, picking flowers, drying flowers, making things with dried flowers like sugar scrubs, and other handicrafts type things. She loves being outside, park days are a regular thing (weather permitting,) and she loves jumping in muddy puddles (quite literally.) This naturally leads until a very child-led, learning through play, hands-on, out in nature approach to life and learning.

Lil Miss Mouse and I are officially doing preschool now, and I’ve written a few posts about our plans for that. What I expect to be putting out on the blog these days is a lot of preschool related stuff – resources and projects and items in my shop. I also anticipate some fun stories on occasion, tales of field trips, and fun science experiments, etc. I’m sure there will be some sharing of parenting and teaching thoughts and advice as well. After all, this isn’t my first preschooler and I learned a lot with the first three big kids the first time around. This is easy peasy. 😉

And so, while we embark on this new-not-so-new adventure. . .I’m looking forward to the new things we will learn together. They say kids teach you while you’re teaching them, and I know that’s true. And while we learn, I’ll share little bits along the way.