**This is a compensated review. Find my full disclosure at the end of this post. Enter to win a math & science membership below.**

We have a nemesis in this house. Its name is Math.

My 13 year old has never liked math, never excelled at it, always worked at it, and we’ve been through a variety of math materials to help her succeed as best she can. She does not like math.

Conquering PreAlgebra with Uzinggo Online Math

Frustratingly, last year’s Pre-Algebra book didn’t get her very far. We’re beginning this school year feeling… behind.

We need math help.

So it’s for this reason that we’re trying out Uzinggo Online Math this year. I had the opportunity to review it (a math and science membership) so Catie and I looked it over and grabbed the opportunity by the horns thinking this might be a blessing in “review” disguise.

Uzinggo Online Math & Science for Junior High and High School

Uzinggo provides online math and science instruction for junior high and high school with interactive video lessons, pre-determined lesson paths, built-in assessments and a variety of reports. The Uzinggo system also includes a motivational point system and extra support materials (like printable activity sheets.)

Depending on your personal needs you can purchase a monthly or annual membership for junior high or high school and for math or science or both. There’s nothing to install (but you do need Adobe Reader and a flash plugin) and it works for both PC and Mac.

Is it a tutor? An online class?

Uzinggo is online instruction that your child works through on their own, following the lesson path and working through the material, taking assessments, and completing lessons. It can be used for supplemental assistance or complete math and science instruction.

Another bonus feature of Uzinggo is that we don’t have to follow through the ZingPaths. If we need help on a specific topic we can search any math or science topic and pull up lessons for it. Nice!

Uzinggo Search Science

Uzinggo Search Math

Interview With Catie for Uzinggo Online Middle School Pre-Algebra

For now, we’ve chosen to use Uzinggo for Pre-Algebra math. Catie worked through two-thirds of a Pre-Algebra book last year but I was disappointed when the real Pre-Algebra instruction didn’t begin until halfway through the book. So Catie got very little Pre-Algebra last year and is not ready for Algebra without further teaching.

I need something that will successfully bring Catie up to speed, prepare her for Algebra, and do it in a way that she can handle.

Working at her own speed and comprehension level, once she’s finished the Uzinggo Pre-Algebra material she can move right into the Algebra material. Instead of telling you what Catie thinks about the program so far, let me share her own words.

Online Math & Science Instruction

Do you like math, and why?

Catie: “No. I just don’t like sitting and doing a bunch of math problems at once.”

Do you like Uzinggo Math, and why?

Catie: “Yes. It doesn’t take as much time, and there’s not as many math problems.”

Do you feel like you’re learning and getting better at math?

Catie: “Yes, some of it is review but I’m learning a lot of new math.”

What do you do if you don’t understand the lesson at first?

Catie: “I can back the lesson up and watch it again, or sometimes it has an ‘explain’ button to help.”

How does it check if you are learning and understanding?

Catie: “It gives me problems throughout the lesson, and there’s an assessment at the end of the lesson.”

Would you rather do this for math this year instead of a regular textbook?

Catie: “Yes. I like this better because it doesn’t take as long, and it’s not so frustrating!”

As Catie mentioned, there’s a good system of checks and balances in place. In addition to giving her assessments, she can keep an eye on her progress in her reports and she can see whether she needs to work on something further or move on.

Parent’s Login for Uzinggo

Uzinggo Dashboard

Speaking of keeping an eye on things… the parents get to keep an eye on things, too! You can check in on your child’s progress, access worksheets (with answers,) and even download or print teacher’s guides.

uzinggo teacher guides

You can see that we’ve got some math issues here — and that’s okay! I can see that! I asked her to stop before moving on with the second Zing Path so we can work on the first one so more. We can print some activity sheets and practice those tasks together.

Uzinggo Reports

Homeschooling With Uzinggo Online Math & Science

Uzinggo isn’t only geared for homeschoolers, but it could be highly useful in a variety of homeschool situations.

  • Parents who don’t feel comfortable teaching higher math
  • Students who are struggling with math
  • Conversely, students who are gifted at math and would like to work “ahead” at their own pace
  • Parents who would like to encourage their older children to learn independently
  • Kids who enjoy learning on the computer, with lots of visual input
  • Families teaching multiple grades

Bonus: Uzinggo has a free download for homeschooling high school students! Find it here.

So what’s the bottom line? We’ve been using Uzinggo for a few weeks, what do we think?

Catie likes it, she’s looking forward to using it for the rest of the year. I’m excited to have some help teaching her Pre-Algebra (and later Algebra) since it’s hard for us to communicate about math.

Uzinggo Online Math Lessons

Uzinggo Giveaway and Discount Code

You can enter to win a subscription for the level of your choice! Uzinggo is also offering a 15% discount code to all who purchase with the code “iHomeschool15” (good for 15% off a year’s subscription, or a year’s worth of monthly subscriptions, either way.) Purchase both math and science together and you’ll save a lot on the bundle.


Would you like to learn more about Uzinggo Online Math & Science? Find them on Facebook and Twitter. Watch their videos on their YouTube channel (very helpful!)

Full Disclosure: I received a year’s membership of Uzinggo Math & Science to review. I also received compensation for my time, but I accepted the review because we have need and opportunity. As always, all opinions are my own and will not be swayed by compensation in any form. Read here for more information about my Disclosure and Review Policy.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!