by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 38 RESULTS
School at Home

Faith-Based Curriculum: By Design Science (1-8) Review

We love science.  For me, studying science reveals some of the amazing ways God left his fingerprints in this world he created. When you see how intricate and awe-inspiring the world really is, how complex and clever the design of everything around us, it’s as if creation itself calls out, “look here! See God here? And here??” My 12 year old son loves science, too. He finds it interesting and …

3 Ways to Help ADHD Kids Learn Math
School at Home

3 Ways to Help ADHD Kids Learn Math

Nothing in our homeschooling journey has made me cry more than trying to teach my 14 year old daughter math. There have been tears, frustrations, sulky looks, and harsh words — and a good portion of them were my own. (And then there were more tears because I’m not proud of that.) It’s not entirely Arielle’s fault, though. Her brain and her body are not cooperating. They are actually working together against …

School at Home

Using Heirloom Audio Adventures For Read Aloud Time

*The following is an Heirloom Audio Adventures review–a new product we are trying out for the fall semester of 2016.*  This past spring, our homeschool got stuck in a rut. It was a boring, no frills, minimalistic rut caused by an over-scheduling of *stuff* and an under-scheduling of quality learning. While we took our out-of-character-for-us Summer Break, the kids and I discussed changes to make this year, such as adding our read …