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Lilla Rose Clip 1

I’ve been thinking a lot about femininity.

There’s something about swirly skirts, soft fabrics and pretty accessories that make the girly girl in me feel like a lady. I’ve been talking about it with my friends and I’ve been thinking about it a lot – feeling feminine and womanly is nice.

Why the Lilla Rose Clips?

Most days find me in my comfy pants and oversized tshirts with my messy bun or my ponytail. I’m sure that my husband doesn’t mind (because let’s face it, he will still find me attractive in oversized tshirts and comfy pants.) The problem I’ve been thinking about, though, is how I don’t feel attractive in my normal daily wear. So I’ve been slowly weeding certain things out of my wardrobe and replacing them. I’ve been trying not to steal my husband’s tshirts. And now with my new Lilla Rose Flexi Clip, I’ve got a very easy way to keep my hair out of my face for housework that makes me feel pretty and attractive.

Using the Lilla Rose Clips

The Lilla Rose Flexi Clip is a one piece, durable metal clip that can be used for ponytails, twists, buns and updos. The figure-eight flexible clip has an attached, curved, notched “stick” which you can thread through your hair and through the figure-eight to secure your hair in a number of ways. I’ve had fun playing with hair styles with my new Lilla Rose clip for the past couple of weeks. I’ve worn it to church the past two Sundays, out and about on errands, and around the house. I’ve used it for a ponytail, a messy updo, a bun and a really fancy updo that made me feel especially lovely. There was a little bit of a learning curve, learning how to hold it while trying to fasten it, but once you get the hang of it you can do it without looking in a mirror. One clip, so many possibilities.

Because it’s easier to take pictures of my daughters’ hair, let me show you a few different things you can do with two different types and lengths of hair.

My thirteen year old has medium length, very thick and wavy hair with lots of layers. She had brushed it out after her shower so that it would dry a little less wavy. Because of the thickness, the medium clip fits in her hair fairly well, but because of the layers some of the styles might require a few bobby pins. Here I’ve used my medium Lilla Rose FlexiClip to give her an elegant french twist style updo. Next, I pulled only half of her hair back in a very simple style.


My ten year old has very long but slick, thin hair. Her hair is normally very straight but she had it up in a bun so here it has a bit of a wave. Because her hair is longer I’m able to use my medium sized Flexiclip in her hair also. For the updo I parted her hair and braided each half before twisting the two braids and clipping it. The braids add more interest but they also help the clip stay in her slick hair. For the second one, possibly my favorite, I twisted it up in a bun– and since I couldn’t get the medium Flexiclip over the whole bun, I simply clipped it through the middle of the bun, just catching the inside edges of the outside circle so that it would all stay put.


For video tutorials on styling, check out the Lilla Rose Channel on YouTube.

Finding Your Size and Style

Lilla Rose Clip

The Lilla Rose clips come in several different sizes. Finding the right size can be a bit tricky. Actually, you might need a few different sizes so you can do different things with them. A smaller size will let you pull back part of your hair or wear it in a ponytail. A larger size will let you twist up all of your hair and clip over the whole thing. I chose a medium clip, which allows me to do many things with my thicky curly hair, but I also need a large if I want to do a french twist.

For help with sizing, check out this sizing video:

You’ll also notice that there are dozens of styles for the Lilla Rose clips. Choosing just one was hard! In the end I decided to go with something simple and feminine that would go with pretty much anything. Whether you prefer gold, silver, fancy or simple, you can find something that you like.

The Lilla Rose Flexi Clip

Lilla Rose Clip 2

  • One piece – you can’t lose any parts
  • Versatile – can be used in place of several other hair accessories
  • Easy to Use – I can quickly throw my hair up in style
  • Elegant – Lovely and feminine, makes me feel like a lady
  • Solid construction – feels durable and like it will last a really long time

Would you like a chance to win your own Lilla Rose Flexi Clip?

Lilla Rose also offers beautiful headbands, hair sticks, and decorative hair pins in addition to their Flexi Clips. Paula Miller has given me the opportunity to give away one Flexi Clip of the winner’s choice, of any product up to $16.

To enter to win, leave a comment telling me what you’d choose if you won! For extra entries, you can use the Giveaway Tools app below:

Important Legal Stuff:

Must be over 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen to enter. There are several ways to enter the giveaway, however participants are limited to one (1) of each entry per person and one (1) person per household. A participant may not enter if they have won a Lilla Rose giveaway in the last 6 mths. Participants may not use additional email addresses to enter more than once. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

Paula also wants me to let you know that even though this giveaway is only open to U.S. residents, she does ship to Mexico and Canada. If you live outside the US, Canada, or Mexico, you can still order great Lilla Rose hair jewelry. Just e-mail the item #’s and names to her, Independent Consultant Paula Miller at lrpaulamiller@yahoo.com. She will calculate shipping costs, PayPal you an invoice, and ship your items directly to you!

If you have questions, you can reach her at lrpaulamiller@yahoo.com. Look for more specials on her Facebook or Twitter pages, and by signing up for her newsletter.

A big thanks to Paula Miller with Lilla Rose for sending me a Lilla Rose Flexi Clip to review. This is a complimentary review offered with the purchase of ad space. Compensation, in the form of money or product, does not sway my devotion to my readers to provide a true and honest review. Read my disclosure policy and review page for more information on how I approach reviews.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!