by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 18 RESULTS
Making Home

A Feminine Look with Lilla Rose (Review)

[maxbutton id=”3″] I’ve been thinking a lot about femininity. There’s something about swirly skirts, soft fabrics and pretty accessories that make the girly girl in me feel like a lady. I’ve been talking about it with my friends and I’ve been thinking about it a lot – feeling feminine and womanly is nice. Why the Lilla Rose Clips? Most days find me in my comfy pants and oversized tshirts with …

Making Home

January’s Goals ~ 3 in 30

I really need to get back into the habit of using the 3 in 30 challenge to focus on specific tasks and get things done around here. Habits, projects, you name it. I decided I was going to do this again and even though I haven’t gotten around to write a post about it before now, I’ve already been working on some habits for this month. What I’m saying is.. …