by Classic Housewife


Marriage Monday

Marriage Minute is a short, “encouraging word” and “food for thought” for your marriage, generally posted on a Monday. I truly hope that it blesses and speaks to women and encourages them to invest wisely in their marriages.

You can write your own, too. Marriage Minute is also an opportunity for you to share what God has put on YOUR heart for your marriage. Feel free to join me on this journey, sharing an encouraging word, something you have learned, or something you are working on in your own marriage. If you leave a link in the comments of the latest post, I will stop by and read it. Thank you!

Browse through all the Marriage Monday posts here:

She Brings Him Good - Love

A Man Needs To Feel Loved Too (She Brings Him Good Finale)

A man needs to feel loved, too.  We’ve been working our way through a series on Marriage about bringing good things to our husband and to our marriage through respect, trustworthiness, and love. We have covered three different ways we show and build respect for our husbands (through submission, our ...
Are you a trustworthy wife?

Are You Trustworthy? (Part Two) – Marriage Minute

Are you trustworthy? We’ve been working our way through a series on Marriage about bringing good things to our husband and to our marriage through respect, trustworthiness, and love. We have covered three different ways we show and build respect for our husbands (through submission, our speech, and trust,) and ...

Marriage Monday: She Brings Him Good

Mondays for stay-home, homeschooling, mom bloggers are just as much a "MONDAY" as it is for anyone else. I have heard people try to "pooh pooh" that, but it's true. We have to catch up on chores from Sunday that we didn't do because of activities or rest or fellowship ...
Trustworthy Part One

Are You Trustworthy? (Part One.) – Marriage Minute

What does it mean to be trustworthy? We've been working our way through a series on Marriage about bringing good things to our husband and to our marriage through respect, trustworthiness, and love. We have covered three different ways we show and build respect for our husbands (through submission, our ...
Showing Respect To Your Husband By Trusting Him

Marriage Minute: Respect Your Husband With Trust

Back before the holidays, I started sharing a Marriage Monday series with you about three ways to bring good to your husband, and we started digging in to the first way to show love to your husband: respect. With the holidays behind us, and as I'm finding time to write ...
Respect With Speech And Words

Marriage Minute: The Way We Speak (Respect #2)

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 ESV Last week we started digging into the different ways we can treat our husbands with respect, and in so doing, meet their need to feel respected as the spiritual head ...
marriage respect submission

Marriage Minute: She Brings Him Respect #1

What's the first thing you think of when someone asks, "what's your husband's biggest need?" Okay, maybe not the first thing you think of (most people are going to call out some Hanky Panky right off the bat) -- so what's the next thing you think of? Respect, right? We've ...

It Was A TOOTHBRUSH (Marriage Monday)

It was a toothbrush.  What I had done as a task of kindness was being used as a tool of division--that six inch toothbrush growing before our eyes to the size of a sword, a catapult, and then finally, a brick wall. How can a toothbrush cause so much trouble?  ...
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