
Marriage Monday

Marriage Minute is a short, “encouraging word” and “food for thought” for your marriage, generally posted on a Monday. I truly hope that it blesses and speaks to women and encourages them to invest wisely in their marriages.

You can write your own, too. Marriage Minute is also an opportunity for you to share what God has put on YOUR heart for your marriage. Feel free to join me on this journey, sharing an encouraging word, something you have learned, or something you are working on in your own marriage. If you leave a link in the comments of the latest post, I will stop by and read it. Thank you!

Browse through all the Marriage Monday posts here:

Seal It With A Kiss

Valentine's Day is only few days away! (You hear that, honey, don't forget!!) Oh, he will. And then I'll remind him gently. My husband is quite possibly the most forgetful person I know. He probably couldn't even tell you what he was wearing yesterday, and he's already asked me 3 ...

God’s Plan For Marriage, Part 4

Continuing my "series" on marriage, I finish with the last part of the essay I wrote before my husband and I married, ten years ago... Redemption for the Marriage As Well As the Soul After Jesus' ministry on Earth, many examples became evident for a new way of life. Christ ...

God’s Plan For Marriage, Part 3

Picking up where I left off from last time, let's see what I wrote about marriage after Eve handed Adam that fruit... After the Fall Although the first marriage system was what God had originally intended, He altered the system after Adam and Eve ate of the fruit. God told ...

God’s Plan For Marriage

I found the most amazing thing while going through some junk stuff oh-so-important papers that needed to be filed! Before getting married (ten years, one month and eight days ago), Big Daddy and I went through some pre-marital counseling with our pastor - complete with the requisite homework of course ...

For My Valentine

I sang this song to my husband at our reception: [youtube=] James, I still love you very, very much. Ten wedded Valentine's Days together. Happy Valentine's Day! ...

Home Made Baby Supplies

My friend asked about making home made baby products. I did some searching and found these very helpful sites. For baby wipes, baby powder, teething gel, baby oil, and diaper ointment, check out these helpful recipes. For baby wipes, oatmeal bath, diaper rash creme, hand sanitizer, hair detangler and toothpaste, ...

WFMW – Valentine’s Day 101

It's the special Valentine's Day edition of Works For Me Wednesday! Shannon has issued a bloggy request to "Share with us the best relationship advice you can give. Or, share with us some ideas for making Valentine's Day special for your sweetie or your kids. " I guess my ...
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