Updated 8/5/12:  The Not Back to School Blog Hop is going on over at iHomeschool Network. I’m joining in and linking this up. Check it out!

Our Curriculum and Resources:

I have curriculum swimming in my brain right now! I can’t get it all straight in my head until I get it all straight on paper… good ol’ paper and pen! I’ve spent the last few days nailing down the loose ends and making a plan.

We still have a few things from last year that we can keep using this year — Writing Strands 3 (though I’ll add an additional resource for Princess for more challenge,) Our Mother Tongue Grammar (this is a pretty deep resource,) and our You Can Paint Like the Masters book. Also, we’re continuing with the resources we already know and love – Apologia Science & Worldview, Mystery of History, Teaching Textbooks and Horizons Math.

We’re also going to be adding some more Notebooking in, using the Notebooking Publisher and Notebooking Pages. I’m excited to dig in and start using our new resource, the Young Readers curriculum from Heritage History, a good source of living books for both history and reading.

Last but not least I’ll be adding in a few freebies I’ve collected and some inexpensive Scholastic downloadables to flesh out some thin spots. All of the Scholastic workbooks below I downloaded for one dollar each during one of their mega sales! A friend gave me Grammar Town and Grammar Island. Global Mania, Progressive Phonics and the McGuffey Primer can all be found online for free.

Free and super cheap books I came home with from the homeschool book swap a couple of weeks ago.


I think it’s all coming together pretty well. =)


Princess (7th/8th)

Drama Queen (4th-ish)

Little Prince (1st)

The Mom

I still need to buy our Who Am I?, a junior journal and lab kit for the Zoology, our Mystery of History 2, math for all 3, the language arts workbooks for Princess, her General Science, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy — and books, books and more books from our various reading lists. I need to get busy, huh? 😉

(P.S. Check out my used curriculum and other things for sale.)

What about you — how is your curriculum planning coming along? Do you know what you need, do you have it yet?

(Reminder: It’s okay to link up posts you’ve already written for your own blog or someone else’s back to school carnival as long as it’s on topic. Thanks!) All the linkies are open through the end of August. To find all the posts in this series, click here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!