Updated 8/5/12: The Not Back to School Blog Hop is going on over at iHomeschool Network. I’m joining in and linking this up. Check it out!
Our Curriculum and Resources:
I have curriculum swimming in my brain right now! I can’t get it all straight in my head until I get it all straight on paper… good ol’ paper and pen! I’ve spent the last few days nailing down the loose ends and making a plan.
We still have a few things from last year that we can keep using this year — Writing Strands 3 (though I’ll add an additional resource for Princess for more challenge,) Our Mother Tongue Grammar (this is a pretty deep resource,) and our You Can Paint Like the Masters book. Also, we’re continuing with the resources we already know and love – Apologia Science & Worldview, Mystery of History, Teaching Textbooks and Horizons Math.
We’re also going to be adding some more Notebooking in, using the Notebooking Publisher and Notebooking Pages. I’m excited to dig in and start using our new resource, the Young Readers curriculum from Heritage History, a good source of living books for both history and reading.
Last but not least I’ll be adding in a few freebies I’ve collected and some inexpensive Scholastic downloadables to flesh out some thin spots. All of the Scholastic workbooks below I downloaded for one dollar each during one of their mega sales! A friend gave me Grammar Town and Grammar Island. Global Mania, Progressive Phonics and the McGuffey Primer can all be found online for free.

I think it’s all coming together pretty well. =)
- Who Am I? (And What Am I Doing Here?)
~ Apologia
- The Young Peacemaker
- Zoology 3, Land Animals ~ Apologia
- Mystery of History, Volume 2~ Bright Ideas Press (Because we ended up spending two years on volume 1), Heritage History (for supplemental literature) and books from our Mystery of History reading list
- Global Mania, our Geography related books
- Writing Strands Level 3
, Our Mother Tongue
, Grammar Town/Island, Joe Bright and the Seven Genre Dudes
- You Can Paint Like the Masters
, Famous Artists Unit Study, World’s Greatest Composers Study, Shakespeare for the Ears
Princess (7th/8th)
- Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra or Algebra (after a placement test)
- Expository Writing
, Figuratively Speaking
, Vocabulary Packets: Prefixes & Suffixes
- General Science ~ Apologia
- Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?
- 50 Great States Read & Solve Crossword Puzzles
Drama Queen (4th-ish)
- Horizons 4th or 5th Grade Math ~ Alpha Omega (We’ll see after placement tests.)
- Funny Fairy Tale Grammar
, Funny Fairy Tale Proofreading
- Marvelous Map Activities
Little Prince (1st)
- Horizons First Grade Math ~ Alpha Omega
- McGuffey Primer
, Progressive Phonics
- Our Country Write & Read Books
The Mom
- Well Planned Day Lesson Planner
- Educating the WholeHearted Child
- The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens
- Notebooking Success
- Design Your Own Language Arts Curriculum
I still need to buy our Who Am I?, a junior journal and lab kit for the Zoology, our Mystery of History 2, math for all 3, the language arts workbooks for Princess, her General Science, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy — and books, books and more books from our various reading lists. I need to get busy, huh? 😉
(P.S. Check out my used curriculum and other things for sale.)
What about you — how is your curriculum planning coming along? Do you know what you need, do you have it yet?
(Reminder: It’s okay to link up posts you’ve already written for your own blog or someone else’s back to school carnival as long as it’s on topic. Thanks!) All the linkies are open through the end of August. To find all the posts in this series, click here.
[…] Visit Back to (Home) School for more curriculum and resource ideas! /* […]
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We are using Notebooking Publisher too. I am excited about it, but a little nervous (which is silly, I know). Love your list!
I am both excited and nervous about using Notebooking Publisher, too. We’re in the same boat. =p
I love, love, LOVE homeschool planning! 🙂 Most of our materials have already arrived–only a few things left to order.
I noticed that you used Mystery of History I last year. Do you also have a resource list for that book, like you do for book II?
I have a resource for the 2nd semester. I need to add the first semester to it because it gets searched quite frequently. =p
Found it with your handy dandy search bar–thanks a bunch!
[…] What books are you using in your homeschool this year? This post is linked to Back to (Home)School at Classic Housewife […]
Thanks for providing this hop! I love looking at what books other families are using to educate children the same ages as my own.
Thanks, Victoria! I do, too. I’m pretty sure of what I want but now we’re entering junior high and soon high school so there’s always something to be learned from observing other homeschool moms, right? =)
I see you have multi age children. This is my 3rd year homeschooling my 10 year old but 1st year with my 6 year old who is in 1st grade. I have all my curriculum, we use workboxes but I am nervous about sharing my time. Please share how do you do it? Thanks!
Sharing my time is the hardest! We converted our workboxes to workcharts a few years ago. We do several things together as a group (that helps with that time,) and after the group subjects I work on individual subjects with each child beginning with the youngest and moving up. The others are supposed to work independently until it’s their turn, they can skip things they need help with and work on other items on their chart for the day. The oldest one needs the least amount of help, and can get the most amount of work done while waiting for… Read more »
[…] love to hear about what books you are using this year with your students. This post is linked to Back to (Home) School at Classical Housewife Related […]
thanks so much for sharing your curriculum choices! ANd for linking up to the Not Back To School Blog Hop 🙂 That’s where I found you. I hopey ou get a chance to come see me at my place:
http://www.littlelearninglovies.com/wordpress/2012/08/05/not-back-to-school-blog-hopcurriculum-week/ See you there!
Hi Amber,
I am SO glad I’m not the only one who uses curriculum for longer than it’s meant! 😉 We’re starting our second year with both Mystery of History 1 & Galloping the Globe. I joke that *maybe* this will be the year that we finally finish all of what we start out with.
Have a great year!
I love you – just because you write “4th-ish”
I loved Whatever Happened to Penny Candy and we’re doing the follow up book this year, Whatever Happened to Justice. Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you, but in a good way!
This will be our first year using MOH and I’m very excited to dive into it!
We also use Apologia for science and will be studying Botany this year.
If you are interested in connecting with other Apologia users, check out the Apologia Blog Roll that I host here: