by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 6 RESULTS
School at Home

2012-2013 ~ Our Homeschool Area

Updated 8/12/12:  The Not Back to School Blog Hop is going on over at iHomeschool Network. I’m joining in and linking this up. Check it out! Our Homeschool Area I’d love to have a devoted school room again, or at least a whole half a room–like shared with a home office or something–but we still have our little school corner here in the living room again this year. (Yes we …

School at Home

Back to (Home) School ~ Planning Our Days

Welcome back to the third week of Back to (Home) School, in which we discuss how we plan our lessons and schedule our days. I like using planners; I think it’s the visual organization that appeals to me most. I’m not one of those uber-diligent planner users, though. (I’m thinking about trying to become one!) Even if I don’t use our homeschool planner everyday, it still benefits me to have …