by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 6 RESULTS
Christian film industry movies
Faith and God

10 Christian Film Industry Movies You Should Watch

*This post contains affiliate links.* My husband is something of a Christian movie buff. He watches anything he finds, not just on Netflix but frequently buying the DVDs (sometimes before watching them!,) and my introverted husband even wants to watch them in the theater when they come out if he can make it. And sure, some of them are better made than others, but he knows that if we support the Christian …

School at Home

Free Valentine’s Day Resources Round-Up

Valentine’s Day is near! For holidays, I find I either plan ahead WAY in advance or procrastinate until the last minute. There is no middle ground. You? How about a little round-up to help us out? 10 Free Valentine’s Day Resources Valentine’s Day Resources for Homeschoolers History of Valentine’s Day & Free Printables Unity Study, Pre-k – 5th Grade at Free Homeschool Deals – a free unit study and many links to …

10 Things To Love About Summer
Just Me

10 Things I Love About Summer

[maxbutton id=”1″]   I’m not one of those “I love Summer” kind of people. It’s too hot. It’s too sweaty. But Summer’s not ALL bad. There are *some* things I like about Summer. It may not be Summer here yet as far as the calendar is concerned.. but let me tell you–it’s Summer here in Texas! 10 Things I (actually do) Love About Summer (which I’m not a fan of.) …