by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 113 RESULTS
Christian film industry movies
Faith and God

10 Christian Film Industry Movies You Should Watch

*This post contains affiliate links.* My husband is something of a Christian movie buff. He watches anything he finds, not just on Netflix but frequently buying the DVDs (sometimes before watching them!,) and my introverted husband even wants to watch them in the theater when they come out if he can make it. And sure, some of them are better made than others, but he knows that if we support the Christian …

Faith and God Parenting

It Was A TOOTHBRUSH (Marriage Monday)

It was a toothbrush.  What I had done as a task of kindness was being used as a tool of division–that six inch toothbrush growing before our eyes to the size of a sword, a catapult, and then finally, a brick wall. How can a toothbrush cause so much trouble?  This incident took place last Monday–the same day that my husband started doing The Love Dare along with some accountability partners, …

Faith and God

God Answers Prayer

Recently my husband and I were pleased to attend a 60th birthday party for a godly man that we know. At the party, friends and family were asked to share funny stories about him–and many did. But many also couldn’t resist sharing how God has used this man in their life somehow. I sat and listened and laughed and smiled at the funny stories and the wonderful testimonies until the …