by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 6 RESULTS
Faith and God

Thankful Thursday ~ Winter

Winter. A time for the earth to rest before blooming in spring. A time to bundle in fuzzy socks and favorite sweatshirts. Sipping coffee. Or hot chocolate. Or both. The glow of a fire, or the hum of a space heater nearby. Indoor fun, board games, movies, crafts. Paper snowflakes and maybe real ones, too. Comfort foods and soups and stews. Cold and gray and dead outside. Inside, warm and …

Faith and God

A Very Thankful Thursday Tomorrow

You may or may not regularly participate in Thankful Thursday at Grace Alone, but seeing as how we’re celebrating the biggest thing to be thankful for tomorrow, I encourage you to stop and think a moment and thank God for his wonders and blessings. And if you feel like it, schedule a post in advance for Christmas Day. Tomorrow, spend time with your family, and then when you come back …

Faith and God

Thankful Thursday

I’ve got a lot to be thankful for, it’s just that everything I’ve tried to write so far has sounded insincere or cheezy. Truth is, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. It’s hard to put it all into words. But sometimes, we don’t have to. Sometimes we can just praise God and thank Him. Just for being God. Just for doing what he does. Sometimes, we can just …