by Classic Housewife

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School at Home

WonderMaps for Relaxed Geography

*This post contains affiliate links.*  At the time of this writing, I was a WonderMaps Brand Ambassador. Though contractually I am no longer an Ambassador, I am still a voluntary promoter. What does this mean? I’ll explain that more in detail in a minute, but first, let me share why I chose to use WonderMaps for Relaxed Geography learning… How do you study Geography? Up until recently our study of geography has …

mystery of history heritage classics
History And Geography Literature School at Home

Supplementing the Mystery of History with Heritage History Classics

Those of you who know me in person or have read my blog for any length of time have probably had a chance to hear me go on and on about how much I love, LOVE, The Mystery of History. I’ve had the pleasure of introducing several of my IRL friends and online homeschool friends to it, and helping them see the MOH light. I’m crazy about the fact that …