by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 15 RESULTS
Just Me

My August Whole30 Challenge

Have I gone mad? Some may say “yes.” I would be inclined to disagree, naturally. I think I’m fairly sane. =) My First Whole 30 Back in April, I joined a good friend in a 30-Day challenge, a Whole 30 challenge, and I did it. I completed it. The whole thing! I’ve never succeeded at anything like that before. It was difficult in the beginning but it soon got easier …

Faith and God

On Being a Pastor’s Wife

Eight months ago, I got a new hat. A new, unfamiliar, but really good hat. My new “Pastor’s Wife” hat was added to my closet next to my Mom Hat, Wife Hat, Homeschool Hat, and all the other hats I have. Of course I have some hats I haven’t worn in a while: the Home Canner Hat, the Artist Hat, and the Blogger Hat which gets inconsistent use these days. I …