by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Faith and God Parenting

Connecting Church And Home (Tim Kimmel) – My Review

[maxbutton id=”2″] “Know what this book is about?” I asked my husband. “Umm, connecting church and home?” he guessed. Yes, he’s humorous. If you were just passing by and glanced at this book on a shelf, you might not get much more than that, either. Yes, this book is about bringing the church and the home together and uniting them with a common goal–but there is so much more packed …


Marriage Monday ~ Gracious

Today’s topic is a hard one for me. Gracious is defined as “marked by kindness and courtesy” and when we talk about God’s grace, grace is defined as “a kindness we don’t deserve.” I really need to work on being an example of grace to my family. It’s not that I’m not a nice person, it’s that I have a temper and I find it so hard to stay kind …

School at Home

Organizing Your Homeschool Day for Grace {Not Pride and Your Own Agenda}

Welcome back as we continue our 10 Days of Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Homeschooling!  Today we meet Michelle from Beautiful Mess,  continuing the topic of over-planning.. to the point of organizing God and His Grace right out of your homeschool day! (Or, how not to…) ~~ Organizing Your Homeschool Day for Grace {Not Pride and Your Own Agenda} One of my favorite sayings before this deconstruction of mom …