by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 7 RESULTS
How to support your favorite bloggers
Blogging and Memes

5 Ways to Support Your Favorite Blogs

Fellow blogger, Kim Sorgius from Not Consumed, is starting something, something good, and she’s inspired me. Did you know that a majority of blogs are abandoned within the first two years? In fact, 60-80% of new blogs are abandoned within the first two months! At least sixty percent of active bloggers have been blogging for more than 2 years but ONLY TWENTY PERCENT for more than six! You know what …

Blogging and Memes

Notebooking Publisher Launch Party on Facebook!

The minutes are ticking away and counting down to the Facebook party celebrating the launch of Notebooking Pages brand *NEW* Notebooking Publisher! If you aren’t familiar with the Notebooking Pages site, or if you haven’t yet had a chance to check out the new Notebooking Publisher web application — you really need to go check it out before you come to the party! Notebooking pages is a site chock full …

Blogging and Memes

The “What’s What” in Facebook’s Latest Changes

WOW! Facebook really threw us for a loop this time. So many changes all at once have left many of us confused and wondering exactly how it works, and more importantly, where it has left our privacy settings. I’m one of those Facebookers that tries to keep things as private as possible. I realize that my “private” Facebook is still technically a “public” place, but I like to stay on …