by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 7 RESULTS

Experience-Based Christmas Bingo Game!

We use the season of Advent to celebrate Christmas at our house, to focus on Jesus during the month, but I know many of you aren’t familiar with Advent so I made a “non-Adventy” Christmas Bingo Game for you! I’m not opposed to all things Christmassy– in fact, Christmas is my favorite holiday (month.) We’ve just grown to love Advent so much because of what it adds to our celebration. …


Father’s Day at Currclick

How cute is this?? The kids get involved in this creative Father’s Day gift, from Currclick (for only a dollar.) There’s also a free matching card that goes along with it. The Father’s Day “tool kit” is a printable tool box and tools that has a place on each to write favorite memories and special things from each child to make the gift truly unique for him and him alone. …

Faith and God

Forgotten God – Free Download from Christian Audio

Cover via Amazon This month’s Christian Audio free download of the month couldn’t have come at a better time. This month’s freebie is “Forgotten God,” by Francis Chan. Earlier this week, Big Daddy downloaded the prequel, the audio version of “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God“* from and he’s been listening to it on his computer out in the office. And I’m so happy that I get the …