by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Faith and God

A God-Filled Weekend

Two weekends ago, I had the deep pleasure of meeting Dana from Roscommon Acres (as well as her husband and a few of her little ones.) They are ALL lovely, and I threatened (jokingly) to keep Mookie but his sisters declined so I gave in and let him go home with them. ; ) Truly though, I felt God’s presence throughout the whole weekend. It was full of so many …

Faith and God

A New Church?

I’ve mentioned a little, bits and pieces, that we’ve been in a (long) process of finding a new church. I’ve tried a little here, a little there.. I’ve never really committed to anywhere.. I’m not really certain that this is “the one” or that we’ll end up committing to our “new church” either.. but I can say this: it looks like there’s potential. How’s that for vague? =p Hubs and …

Faith and God

Lost in Transition

Last night I dreamed I was attending a church service and I didn’t like it. At all. There were some people there I liked, but the service consisted mainly of several performances – that lacked anything whatsoever to with God, worship, praise, the bible, or even a personal testimony of experience with God. I was so bothered I tried to leave, but it seemed that we kept dropping things or …