by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

The Meanest Mom. EVER.

Sometimes motherhood gets a bad rap. I mean, we are the ones that have to make our kids eat their veggies, do their chores and go to bed. We have to learn to say “No,” and “No,” and then some more “No.” And we know that’s a good thing, that kids need their veggies and they need their sleep. But sometimes you can see it in their little wimpery faces: …

Faith and God

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I enjoy listening to my six year old pray and to how she says things. While the most endearing part was definitely when she told God how much she loved him because he gave us the world and everything and added, “X-O-X-O,” this was probably my favorite “funny” line: “I love life, because it’s FUN, and um, my mom helps me sometimes.”

Our School

Life With A Visual/Artistic Learner (And All The Drawings!)

Recently, assessing Princess for her main learning style only confirmed what all the years of ceaseless drawings have been telling me: She likes to draw. Well, okay the assessment said a little more than that, but that was the main thing that stood out to me as I read through the results and looked at the drawings scattered around our house. I’ve long wondered what to do with all the …