by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 4 RESULTS
Making Home

Mornings and Evenings

And the mornings and the evenings rotate one by one, marking the passing of days. February slips by like a thief, stealthy and unnoticed. It is nearly gone. January, a distant memory now, began a journey through the bible that is nearly half over. January left a bitter taste with many failed goals but brought the sweetness of a new evening routine. February embraced a challenge to fine tune a …

Making Home

Finding Rhythm

A song well played has a steady rhythm, consistent, well timed. The tempo changes, it brings interest, but there is continuity. Routines don’t just build walls, they bring rhythm to an otherwise off-beat, listless day. Wandering through the day no longer works for me. I crave rhythm, tempo, beat. I am writing a smooth, steady, Well-Functioning rhythm for our household. The composition is incomplete, rough, but the melody already sings …

Faith and God Making Home Our School


Walls. We erect them. They keep things in. They keep things out. Sometimes they’re good for us and sometimes we need to tear them down. Reading about Jericho in the book of Joshua got me thinking about walls. I’m significantly behind in my Bible in 90 Days reading, but over the last week, particularly the last few days I’ve been catching up significantly. I’m now in Judges (I think I’m …