
Summer boredom? Whiny kids? Running out of ideas? How about a list of TEN FUN THINGS to do this Summer?!

  1. Make your own craft and art supplies. Make chalk, paint, facepaint, goop, slime, you name it. Not only does it occupy them while they’re making something, but it gives them something to do afterward also. And it’s usually very economical too! For some craft and art recipes, check out this post and scroll down to the craft section. 
  2. Stock up on cheap outside toys. At the beginning of each summer (or a little before) I hit the dollar stores and invest in a collection of new, shiny, exciting, and CHEAP outside play toys. A small inflatable pool, bats and balls, mini golf games, whatever I can find – guaranteed to keep them playing outside and having fun for the next few months. If they get bored with some of them, tell them to make up new games while using and combining the different sports items.
  3. Visit the library often. If your kids enjoy books (or even if they don’t, maybe you can foster a new love of them) take them to the library each week with their own bookbags to fill. I have fond memories of summers at my grandma’s house and one of the things we did often was visit the library, come home with a stockpile of books (mine mostly Nancy Drew) and bury our noses into some amazing adventure when it was too hot outside for adventures of our own.
  4. Put on a show. Occasionally my brother and I got the idea in our heads to put on a magic show (or some other talent perhaps.) My girls like to dress up and reenact their favorite books and movies. If your children are creative this way, they can spend large amounts of time getting dressed up and planning and practicing. It’s an imaginative way to occupy their time that also encourages team work and an important thing I like to call getting along. Of course, at the end you have to sit down and watch the show, but it’s worth it. Don’t forget to snap a few pictures. They won’t be young forever.
  5. Make a game. If your kids are old enough, give your children a stack of posterboard, markers, glitter, etc., and ask them to make up their own game. They’ll need to come up with a theme, a design, rules of play, how to win, a name, and game pieces. Trust me, that’ll take a while. When they’re done, you’ll have a new game to try out. If they do well enough, you’ll be able to play it again and again.
  6. Do a science experiment. Fun and learning go hand in hand. A couple of good websites to look are Steve Spangler’s Summer Fun category and Kids’ Science Experiments.
  7. Have your own track and field day. Of course this works better if you have at least 2 children, but you could always invite over another family or two. Plan activities such as the egg & spoon race, the three legged race, a water balloon toss, etc. You could even award ribbons or prizes (and consolation prizes so each child gets something.) End the whole event with a gigantic water balloon fight – it’ll be fun!! (Just be sure to pick up the pieces when you’re done.) 🙂
  8. Invent your own flavor of ice cream – and make it. If you have an ice cream freezer, or can borrow one, brainstorm ideas for a new flavor of ice cream. Then make a small batch, taste it, adjust the recipe if necessary, make another small batch and taste it again. Once you’ve got the recipe down you could make a large batch for a gathering of family or friends. Don’t forget to write down the recipe so you can make it again later!
  9. Take up a new hobby. Summer is a perfect opportunity for your older children to take up a new hobby. They’ll have plenty of time to learn how to crochet, sew, cross-stitch, paint, work with clay, assemble model cars, build model airplanes, make a movie or write a book.
  10. Grow a garden. Many things need to be planted in the spring, but there are plenty of things that can be planted in early summer. Find out what things you can grow in your area right now and get dirty! Even small children can help with this, and they’ll think it’s fun, too!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!