All-powerful, Perfect
Loving, Amazing, Knowing
Sovereign Creator – Evil, Dark
Consuming, Obscuring, Infecting
Selfish, Painful
This month’s poetic license featured the poetic form, Diamante. A form which begins with a subject, and ends with it opposite, and when centered looks like a diamond. (For more specific instructions see here.) My immediate thought was God and Sin. Nothing could be more opposite. But since we have a theme and this month’s theme is emotions or the great outdoors.. you can see that I’m not exactly following the rules here. So consider that one a freebie. If you want a rule-abiding, theme-following poem, you’ll have to read this one:
Whispery Caress
Fleeting, Brushing, Skin-Kissing
Flowing Gently. Hushed. Quiet.
Stopping, Ceasing, Halting
Imagine sitting outside on your porch swing listening to the birds sing, or on a mountain side admiring the beauty of the valley below – in all this seeing the evidence of God everywhere you look, His amazing creation that bears witness to his splendor.
God is good.
For more of June’s Poetic License, visit Pensieve.
I love this one, very touching!
Those are great! Did you write them both? You’re so creative like that. 🙂
hey amber! just wanted to let you know that I have blog now. 🙂
Yes ma’am, I might be slow visiting all the PPL posts, but by golly, I’m gettin’ to everyone! What a lovely note to finish on, Amber–and not just one, but TWO! How much do I delight in that you did one with a free spirit (and a lovely testament to Christ) and one as a law abider :). Hmmm, seems like something I’d do! Both are well done, you’ve chosen your keywords in a away that carries the reader with them. Thank you so much for joining in…I so enjoyed your poems! 🙂 Visit Robin at http://pensieve.typepad.com/pensieve and read: Salty… Read more »