by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 9 RESULTS

Summer Reading Round-Up

Summer reading round-up! Any time is a good time to read a book! But there are few times better than on a hot summer afternoon, relaxing with a book and a cold, iced drink. I’ve been a busy reader this summer! Well, compared to my reading record lately. One of my goals for this more intentional, more relaxed summer is to read more books. I’m currently finishing up the Narnia …

Making Summer Wishlists

Making Summer Wishlists

I don’t think we have ever needed a Summer break more than we do right now. We’re behind on all sorts of things all over the place and my Inner List-Checker is having a fit because there’s no time for breaks! (See previous post: Inner List-Checker is closely related to Bossy Houseguest.) But even with all the unfinished business on our plates, I know that a break is exactly what …

Just Me

A Mom’s Summer Reading List

With all this talk of Summer reading lists, I’ve been thinking about all the unfinished books on my own list. In fact, I used to take more time to read than I have been taking now, for years. I was toying with the idea of creating my own Summer reading list when a friend sent me this: I love this idea for creating a reading list. It’s almost random and …