Looking back on last week, it’s any wonder we got anything done! We were hardly home to get school done and we really didn’t get any housework or anything else done.

But despite running errands and spending 3 out of 5 school days at my mom’s house from afternoon until bedtime, we DID get our work done for the week! Plus an extra math lesson. Which is good because I did the “math” for the rest of the school year and there are 5 weeks of school left.

And there are 7 weeks of math left.

We need to do two extra math lessons a week from here on out. We’re good on everything else– there’s 5 weeks of bible left, 1 week of science (and two weeks of review,) and language arts doesn’t “end” we just keep going as long as school goes. I already knew that we’d be finishing history over the summer and I’m okay with that because it will give us something to do.

But since we’re “behind” a little on math for all the traveling we did helping my mom and being sick and what-not, I’m feeling a little “under the gun” to make sure that we don’t take any more breaks and that we finish on time for the year. No more breaks! We’re even going to be doing math on Memorial Day (sorry kids!)

Last week we also had an orthodontist visit for Princess, to fit her for head gear. Dude that is a pain! I hope your children never need it. But we’re adjusting to it and she doesn’t have to wear it in public thank goodness. But they did say that the more she wears it the faster it works and since we’re home schooled she has the added benefit of being able to wear it a good portion of her day. We’re focusing on the silver lining.

In science we learned about Pluto and Kyuper belt which, because I’m a nerd, I found completely fascinating. Is Pluto a planet? Is it not? Oh the mystery! And it’s not specifically school related but last week also made and canned our first of many canning projects for the year — home made salsa! Now that my mom has moved closer the two of us are planning to learn and can many kinds of things together! I’m looking forward to it quite a bit and it WILL be educational in a sense. And last but not least I also got a little crazy in the head and decided to let the girls start learning piano. Ay ay ay.. I need earplugs. =p

Looking ahead to this week it will be more of the same and-lucky us- another orthodontist visit because one of Princess’ wires came loose last night. Oh the joys! It will ALL be worth it in the end. We keep focusing on that silver lining. =)

How did your week go and what do you have planned for this week?

(This post is linked to the Weekly Wrap Up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.)

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!