And the mornings and the evenings rotate one by one, marking the passing of days. February slips by like a thief, stealthy and unnoticed.

It is nearly gone.

January, a distant memory now, began a journey through the bible that is nearly half over. January left a bitter taste with many failed goals but brought the sweetness of a new evening routine. February embraced a challenge to fine tune a morning routine as well.

Morning, and evening, and morning again.

Morning comes, and begins with a book. THE book. The word of God. By the early light of day, in the cool of the morning with a warm cup of coffee in my hand I meet with God. Pages and pages turn, unfolding stories and truths.

Morning progresses with children’s faces shining. Breakfasts eaten. Teeth brushed. Chores done. Books opened. The day moves on…

A day is bookended with an evening routine. Kids are bathed. Teeth are brushed. Beds are turned down. Storied read. Prayers said.

Stillness falls outside. Stillness falls inside.. falls in a mom’s busy heart as chores are done, rooms are tidied, order is restored. Stillness reigns as the Word is opened. Beginning and ending days.

Morning after morning after morning. Evening after evening after evening. Training myself. Leaning on God. Making habits. Making memories. Restoring order.


Linked with The Hip Homeschool Hop. Also written for my journey through 3 in 30 and Bible in 90 Days.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!