One week down. 7 Days. 168 hours. TWO books of the bible already!

Well.. almost two. Me, I’m actually a smidge behind. I’m halfway through Exodus and I was supposed to be starting Leviticus today! I thought I’d be able to sneak in lots of reading time today and get caught up… (excuse me for a moment while I go laugh hysterically.)


Last week was really busy and crazy, school was full — and I was sick, too! But I still managed to almost keep up and I’m going to get caught up over the course of the week. I will!

Things I’ve learned about this endeavor already:

1.) I do better when I read at least a few chapters in the morning, and read the rest at the end of the day.

2.) I really like reading on and listening to the audio as I read along with the words. It helps me pay attention, and the narrator doesn’t read it monotone or boring, he adds feeling to the words. (Sometimes I read out loud to myself, but he’s a better actor.) ;0)

3.) I should go ahead and get that full size ESV study bible I’ve been wanting.. my pocket bible is great but the tiny print isn’t ideal for reading ten chapters at a time!

Other thoughts:

4.) Even though it was last summer that I started reading the bible through (and made it to Deuteronomy before getting out of the habit)… it feels like it was just last month that I read Genesis and it all feels so fresh in my brain. At the same time, I noted several details that I didn’t remember or didn’t notice before. So. All the more reason to re-read and re-read, right?

5.) Genesis is RIPE with lessons for today. Who says the Old Testament isn’t relevant? Among these are: “A half truth is still a lie” as Abraham learned when he lied about Sarah being his wife and said, “Besides, she really is my sister.” I had at least 3 others but alas, I didn’t write them down. Which leads me to #6.

6.) I should write things down. I need to keep a notebook handy for jotting down thoughts as I read. Reading ten chapters at a time, if I think of something at the beginning of the reading, I’m likely to forget by the time I get to the end.

And that’s pretty much it for this week’s wrap up.. My brain is really fried from all of today’s Monday-ness. And I still need to read at least 10 chapters in Exodus tonight! (Or more.)

For more Bible in 90 Days participants, check out Mom’s Toolbox.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!