It’s been a whole year!

It kind of seems odd to be celebrating one year, after I’ve been blogging for so long! Especially since this blog is the conglomeration of the the three previous blogs. However, one can’t really count those previous years, can they? So as much as it may seem like a step backward, it’s really a step forward! Happy anniversary, little blog!

Little did I realize as I was working on my new blog over the Thanksgiving holiday a year ago (Yes, I took my laptop to the turkey dinner at my mother-in-law’s house!) that from now on I’d be celebrating my bloggiversary at Thanksgiving the next year. I couldn’t have chosen a better time though! What better way to celebrate than with thanksgiving? For it is truly from God whom all blessings flow and though some may not count blogging as a blessing, I can be thankful that I have:

  1. two eyes to read
  2. two hands to write
  3. a brain that functions (most of the time!)
  4. this Macbook that was GIVEN to me us hubs
  5. a hubs who let me basically have the Macbook! (so you know, I can *use* it and he can learn to *fix* them. not a whole lot of *fixing* though!) =D
  6. a computer hubby to help with computer work on the “backup” desktop, internet & html help, etc.
  7. a hubby who loves me despite my blogging hobby!
  8. the luxury of internet
  9. and also for the many Christian friendships, connections and resources that I have found through blogging – though none of those things replace building strong Christian friendships in real life or being in a strong Christian church, there are so many wonderful resources to be found online, like putting two (or two gajillion) heads together to find the best ideas, tips and encouragement.

On a sentimental note, thank you faithful readers for coming back day after day! I could *say* that I don’t write for the readers, but I’d be wrong. I write for myself, but also for you, to share things, to hopefully make you laugh, to build connections. Thanks!

Enough of that, let’s celebrate! I have five days of “festivities” planned for us. Today the giving challenge goes up. Each day a new piece of the party will go live. The itinerary is as follows:

Thursday: Give-Thanks-Giving Challenge

THE main part of this celebration! I’ll go over this again in more detail, but the basic idea is to find some way to serve a needy family this Thanksgiving, by taking a meal or inviting them to your own. There will be a linky for those who want to accept the challenge.

Click here to go to The Challenge.

Friday: Thanksgiving Recipe Exchange

Link up your favorite Thanksgiving (or Holiday) recipes. Tried and true, newly discovered and love at first bite, it doesn’t matter! There will be a McLinky for this also, so that you can link up to your own posts. I’ll be sharing my great-grandmother’s time-tested Cherry Pie recipe – the best ever!

Click here to visit the recipe exchange.

Saturday: Online Resources for Giving & Serving

That’s a whole lot more fun than what it sounds! I’ll be sharing some links to other blog posts and websites featuring amazing ways to give to others this holiday season in both small ways and large ways. There has been a lot of talk about giving in my little corner of the blogosphere and I want to tell you about them! There will also be a MckLinky for this, if you have a post about an opportunity to give, specifically or generally, that you would like to share.

Click here to go to this page.

Sunday: Fun Thanksgiving Resources

Resources for having a meaningful, fun and easy Thanksgiving celebration with your family. You know, the FUN stuff! =) Since this will go up on Sunday there will be no linky, no work for you, simply good resources for you to use in the upcoming Thanksgiving week.

Click here for tons of Thanksgiving fun!

Monday: The Finale – With a Gift

What would a party be without door prizes? But this party is about GIVING. So this isn’t going to be your typical big and flashy giveaway. No indeed. I’ll reveal the whole idea on Monday!

This link will take you to the GIVE-away.

As the posts go live, I’ll link to them here so that you can always come back to this page for naviagation. Don’t forget to grab a button to put in your sidebar or in a post conveniently telling all your readers about it. =)

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!