Are you ready for this? Here goes nothing!

If you’re just now finding this challenge, you can still just jump right in. There are still 17 days (including today) to exercise in January, plenty of time to develop an exercise habit!

Exercise Results:

How did this past week go? For me, the exercising got easier. Not “easier” like, oh that was easy peasy no big deal, but “easier” in the sense that I was better able to keep up and put more into it. My biggest improvement would be my endurance level. My biggest thing that I fell down on would be my diet. And the biggest thing I need to work on would be bedtime. But, I remind myself:

This challenge isn’t about being perfect, it’s about building habits!

Weigh-In Results:

Holding steady. I’ll take it, grudgingly. I’d like to claim some kind of Biggest Loser result, you know… where they don’t lose much or any weight the second week because they lost so much the first week? But I know the reason I didn’t lose any weight this week was due to indulging just a little too much just a few too many times in the same week. I suppose the good news is that this proves to hubby that I am right. ; ) You can’t just exercise and lose weight – you gotta watch what you eat, too! (Not that we didn’t already know that.) I just need to make sure to DO that.

Your Turn:

So how did week two go for you? Are you finding a rhythm, developing your exercise habit, gaining any kind of endurance? Join the MckLinky below and let us know. Or, if you’re not blogging it, leave a comment and let us know that way. Keep up the good work!

  1. If you need a good kick butt workout, consider The 30 Day Shred, available on Amazon for $8.99 plus S&H (or Free Super Saver shipping if your total order amount is over $25). {See my Disclosure}
  2. Join and track your food intake and activity output. Find me, amber{at}classichousewife{dot}com, and I’ll support you on your journey!
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!