turkey-buttonWrapping up the one-year bloggiversary celebration, I’m finishing this up with a giveaway of sorts. Inspired by other giving bloggers around the blogosphere this month, and also by the 30 Day Giving Challenge, I’ll be giving away a donation, to the winner’s favorite charity. At the same time, I’ll be passing on to the selected winner a small token of my appreciation – a $25 gift card to Gevalia Coffee that I have but am choosing to pass on rather than keep it for myself.

I am going to make this REALLY simple. You like simple don’t you?

Here’s what you need to do to enter:

  1. Leave a comment telling me which charity, ministry or organization you would have me make a donation to if you win. You must include a link to the charity, and they must have a way for me to make a donation online. You must also enter a valid email address so that I can contact you about you Gevalia gift card.
  2. An alternative way to enter: If you would like to join me in my final gust of giving for this carnival…I offer to you, the opportunity to turn around and do the same thing on your blog and offer to give away a donation of a reader’s choice. If you choose to do so, write a post and leave a link in the comments. Don’t forget to leave a link to your own favorite ministry and your email address.

The “rules”:

1.) If you don’t leave a link to the organization website, accept online donations, or your email address your entry will be invalid. (Leave your email address in the comment entry form, not necessarily the comment itself – your email address in the entry form will not be publicly displayed, only allows me to reply by email to your comment and will not be used for any form of solicitation in the future.)

2.) The charity donation is open to bloggers and non bloggers alike, worldwide. Gevalia may or may not make shipments to your destination. It’s up to you to determine if Gevalia coffee is available in your area.

3.) Comments will close Friday, November 27, 2009 at midnight central standard time. At that point in time a winner will be chosen by random draw.

That’s pretty simple, right?

If you have enjoyed any part of my Give-Thanks-Giving Bloggiversary party, consider subscribing to updates from Classic Housewife, joining the fan page on Facebook or following me on Twitter. Thanks for celebrating with me!

UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. Find the results here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!