It’s Party Time! I love a good party! Robin is feeling a little lonely, I think, so she’s invited us all over to her place for a get together with snacks and treats and whatnot – not to mention an actual real live chat if you wanna. Now THAT’S A PARTY.

Many of you already know me, and if you do you probably already I know a talk just a little, or a lot. Okay, a lot. If you don’t know me, the best way to get to know me is to read my 100 Things post, which coincided with my 100th post AND the 1st Ultimate Blog Party, or my second Ultimate Blog Party post. This is just a glimpse, though and they were both written a while back so of course, there’s a whole lot more going on now!!

I’ve been trying to find a way to make an income from home for quite sometime now, something that’s a really good fit. My latest attempt at mom-entrepreneurial-ness is providing low cost homeschool resources at my newest blog Faith Family Home School. I also post a daily free link to a good educational website.

My other blog, Imperishable Beauty, is supposed to mainly be a reflection of my faith and living that out in daily life. When I started it, I also hoped (and still do) to grow into a resource for other Christian women. I still envision having guest bloggers and weekly features and the whole ball of yarn. I went through a little bit of a bloggy identity crisis there for a little bit and stopped posting very much, but lately the inspiration has returned.

Enough about me, how about you? Have you ever been to Texas? If not, you’re in for a real Texas treat. One of my favorite party snacks is fresh made Pico de Gallo (well, after you let it sit in the fridge a while and let all the flavors mingle.) My recipe is almost exactly like this one, (they might use a smidge more jalapeno, I make mine kid friendly) so if you follow this and serve it up with some salty tortilla chips and it should turn out tasting pretty darn good.

You may know that pico is good with anything remotely Mexican-food reminiscent (tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, nachos, etc.) but did you also know that its good with rice, beans and cornbread or even on top of a chili cheese dog?? Oh yes, I WENT THERE.

OR, if you’re feeling a bit more snackish than that, you can throw in some black beans, corn and avocado and what you get is a hearty treat known as Cowboy Caviar.

And to drink: Cranberry Limeades!! Pour some sprite over crushed iced, add a little cranberry juice to taste, and squeeze half a lime in followed by the lime half for decoration and good measure. YUMMY! I’ll have two, please… (Or if you want an actual recipe..)

Now that you’re well fed and thirst-quenched, check out a few of my favorite bloggy friends before you go. Meet my bloggy friend Lisa and her little baby boy at Little Jack’s Corner, and three ladies who I can’t really call bloggy friends yet but whom I very much enjoy knowing from afar: Heather at Oh My Stinkin’ Heck, Michelle at Scribbit, and Kristin at We Are THAT Family. I also call Robin my bloggy friend, but, you know, she’s the hostess…

And if you want to get to know me a little more before you go or come back later for some more reading.. You can read up on these fine specimens of tired mom, half-awake blogging:

Well, I guess it’s time to say “See ya later!” Thanks for dropping by and do have a good time visiting the other party peoples!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!