by Classic Housewife

Homeschool “How To” & Tips

*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*

how to tips

There are so many different approaches and methods and ways to make homeschooling work for you! Your approach may not look like anyone else’s–and that’s okay! Here are a few things I’ve written about the way that we do school here, or what we have learned along the way. There are suggested resources from people smarter than me, to help you figure out how to homeschool for your family, and some good websites with useful links as well.

“How To” Homeschool & Tips

Other Suggested Resources:

Confessions of a Homeschooler – Printables

Free Homeschool Printables @ iHomeschoolNetwork

Free Homeschool Planner @ Living Well, Spending Less

Homeschool High School Transcripts @ Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool

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