
With all this talk of Summer reading lists, I’ve been thinking about all the unfinished books on my own list.

In fact, I used to take more time to read than I have been taking now, for years. I was toying with the idea of creating my own Summer reading list when a friend sent me this:

26 Books
I love this idea for creating a reading list. It’s almost random and nonsensical–choosing a book simply because of something on the cover or in the title? But it’s fun and just the sort of thing I need this Summer.

A Mom’s Summer Reading List

However, there’s pretty much NO WAY I’m going to read TWENTY-SIX books in the remainder of this year, and definitely not over the Summer. So at my friend’s suggestion we decided to pick and choose a half dozen books from this list and try to read them–by the end of the year at the very least.

So which six categories to choose? 

#1 – A Book You Own But Haven’t Read

Truth: I chose this category simply because I have so many books here that I own but have *not* read. Really. In fact, I could probably choose six different categories and use only books I already have and haven’t read yet, if I were to really try. But I didn’t.

The book I chose:

Your Beautiful Purpose: Discovering and Enjoying What God Can Do Through You

I chose this book because I won it as a door prize at The Homeschool Mom’s Winter Summit…last year … and I was immediately interested in it. I think it speaks to where I am right now in a lot of ways.  But I have yet to carve out time to read it. A year and a half later,.. perhaps I should?

#2 – A Book That Was Made Into a Movie

Truth: I had to Google “books that have been made into movies” to help find one. I also had to “phone a friend” (via FB Messenger) for some additional input. I may or may not be a little out of the loop in this area.

The book I chose: 

The Book Thief

I remember some buzz about this one recently, but I never really paid much attention to it. This popped up on several lists in the internet searches and when I asked my friend about it, well lo and behold she has actually read it and gave me the thumbs up sign. =)

#3 – A Book With a Color in the Title

Truth: I plucked this book off the library shelf ENTIRELY because of the name. 😉 I mean, I was already standing in the Agatha Christie section looking for one to choose and then this one jumped out at me. COFFEE.

The book I chose: 

Black Coffee

This one is interesting because while it IS an Agatha Christie story, the novel wasn’t “technically” written by her. She actually wrote it as a stage play. This author, who is apparently something of an A.C. expert, turned it into a novel. How interesting is that?

#4 – A Book With a Blue Cover

Truth: I started reading this book in January after a good friend sent it to me (along with a journal and some pretty pens and some chocolate. She knows me well.) =) I read it diligently for the first five chapters, taking notes, journaling, studying… and then I fell off the wagon. File that one under: Books I started and didn’t finish.

The book I chose:

Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love

I picked this one because I was REALLY enjoying this book before I got out of the habit. It was really, really speaking truth to me and helping me identify some things in my life/my day to work on. And besides, I really hate that I have so many unfinished books. I am determined to finish it!

#5 – A Book You Were Supposed To Read In School But Didn’t

Truth: I read all of my assigned literature in high school except for this one. (Or if I didn’t, it was very close and I simply ran out of time to read the last little bit before the test.) I don’t remember why I didn’t read this one, or exactly how much I did read, but I’m pretty sure it was obvious on the test that I only made it a few chapters in. I can’t even really tell you what it’s about.

The book I chose:

The Great Gatsby

Technically this one could have worked for “book turned to movie,” but it seemed a much better fit here. It’s that one that got away in a sense. I had the same English teacher all four years of high school and literature was a huge part of how she prepared us for college. We read so, so, so many novels and short stories and poems. And I loved to read. But for whatever reason, I never read this one.

#6 – A Book Based on a True Story

Truth: Again, I had to have the help of The Great Google for this one. As I was browsing list results, my friend on FB Messenger asked if I had read this one. I had just seen it scroll past on the list I was reading, so I decided to check it out further.

The book I chose: 

The Hot Zone

While I can’t tell how much of the novel is supposed to be true, as far as I can tell and according to Wikipedia, it *is* based on a true event from 1989. That’s good enough for me! My friend said it was quite scary, but good. I’m curious about this one, so it’s on the list.

Make Your Own List?

If you were going to pick six categories and make your own mom’s summer reading list, what categories would you pick? Or if you already have a Summer reading list, what’s on it? If you’d like to join me in challenging yourself to read some books this Summer (or the second half of 2015,) you can add your list in the comments. You can even link to a blog post if you have one.

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? You can tell me if you liked it and why, but hey! No spoilers! 😉


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!