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WinterPromise Ancient Science Study

What do you do when your kid really likes science but you’re not very clever in the science department? As I’ve mentioned many times before, my son is a science nut. I like science, too, but without a book telling me what to do, I’m pretty helpless. So then, we need great resources for science, right?

As the youngest of my children, my son is following along in our group science with his sisters. He loves it and he does well, but his favorite part is the experiment at the end of each chapter. He can hardly wait! So when I have an opportunity to add in more science, I go for it! We can’t possibly have too much science, right?

So let me introduce you to WinterPromise.

WinterPromise has given me the Program Guide and Student Notebook for their Dinosaur Days Ancient Science program study to try out and share with you. We’ve been working through it for the past month or so, and I think you’re going to enjoy it as much as we have.

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What is WinterPromise?

WinterPromise is a multi-method curriculum that combines elements of Charlotte Mason, unit study, Classical,  and other approaches. They provide complete themed curriculum programs designed for multi-level teaching, with programs available for grades K-12. They also have Science and Language Arts programs as well. You could either use WinterPromise materials as your sole curriculum source, or if you’re more eclectic like me, you could choose one stand alone piece to add to your repertoire for the year.  Just want the 7th grade language arts? Go for it. As eclectic homeschoolers, we’re choosing to use this as an extra science supplement for my science fanatic.

The programs are similar in structure to unit studies, but they are also more than that. To learn more about everything that WinterPromise offers, you can read through this little slideshow here.

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Dinosaur Days – Like a big ancient science unit study, and then some!

For our Summer School, the kids and I have been digging into one of the WinterPromise science programs – Dinosaur Days. Dinosaur Days is an ancient science study which begins with Creation, progresses through each day of Creation studying light, air, water, earth, plants, and animals, and then moves on into topics such as simple machines, geology, fossils and dinosaurs.

The program is set up to be worked on two days a week, but since the kids and I were doing our “no math summer school” we enjoyed working through it several days a week. It’s geared for grades 2-5, but even my oldest really enjoyed doing it with us. It’s no surprise that my son enjoyed it most of all. He was eager to get to the experiments and other projects.

With the Dinosaur Days program, you can purchase the Program Guide and the Student Notebook (which is what we have) and you can also find the other resources to complete the study through the WinterPromise website. Books on rocks, fossils, simple machines and dinosaurs finish off your study program. WinterPromise also has a selection of digital resources about dinosaurs to make it even more fun. You can learn more about the Dinosaur Days unit and the available resources on the product page.

Winter Promise Dinosaur Days Science

Science Experiments and Projects

So what kind of fun experiments and projects have we been doing? Each section has an experiment or demonstration to do and/or some kind of scientific “assignment.” There have been plenty of hands on activities! We have charted sky conditions and color, made a rainbow, demonstrated the water cycle, gone on a vegetable scavenger hunt and simulated moon craters (and more!)

As you can imagine, this makes my son very, very happy. =)

What You’ll Love About This WinterPromise Curriculum

The Dinosaur Days program is/has:

  • the eclectic inclusion of so many great homeschool approaches
  • Biblically-based
  • flexible
  • enjoyable
  • lots of hands-on activities
  • prepared for you
  • colorful and appealing

Would you like to see for yourself? You can see a sample of the guide and notebook on the website, or you can enter to win your very own right here!

You can also find WinterPromise on their website, their blog, on Facebook, on Twitter and on Pinterest.

*The giveaway for this product has expired.*

**I received a free digital copy of the Dinosaur Days Program Guide and Notebook to review. I also received compensation for sponsor participation in the Mommy Time Party. But as always, compensation of any form will never sway my commitment to my readers and to providing honest reviews. For more information, read more about my Disclosure Policy and my Review Policy.**


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!