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Hey, y’all! I have a lot of goodies to share from last week, which turned out to be a very busy but really good week overall. Come check it out..

Around the house…


It’s been really, REALLY, hot here in Texas lately. And we are still one more step away from getting our central air conditioner hooked up and running so we are surviving with a few window air conditioners until then. I haven’t been quite as productive as I’d have liked to have been, but I did accomplish getting another bookcase purchased, put together and set up in our school room. That’s one step closer to having our school room ready for the new school year!

In the kitchen…

I haven’t spent a lot of time canning lately, so it’s time to get back to it! Most of the day Saturday was spent in my mom’s kitchen canning with her. We were so busy! We canned 11 pints of red cabbage sauerkraut, 18 pints of strawberry lemonade concentrate and 2 three-quarter-pints of a strawberry and basil salad dressing that we are experimenting with. Don’t worry, if it turns out well, I will share the recipe!

In Our Summer School


This is our first week of “No Math Summer School.” Through the end of July we’re focusing on history, science, music, art and other fun stuff – including lots of imaginative free play. We’re also continuing through our study in the Young Peacemaker; right now we’re discussing how every action -good or bad- will result in direct consequences -good or bad- and it’s our choice how we will respond and act throughout the day.


We made cornstarch gloop, played with our science experiment kit (magnetic fields and electromagnets,) listened to our Mike Mulligan cd from Maestro Classics, started a science unit study from WinterPromise (studying light and the different colors of light,) as well as continuing our lessons in our Mystery of History 2 and Apologia Zoology 3. We also made a trip to the library for the first time in a while and came home with some good books. I would call our first week of summer school a success!

Also this week:

Catie (Princess) got to attend babysitting classes! My thirteen year old is now “licensed” to babysit and knows CPR and all kinds of other first aid cool things. For two days she attended classes at a nearby hospital with some friends of hers and she enjoyed, but she will also benefit from knowing this things. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to send her to something like that so I’m glad the the friends asked to take her along. =)

I booked a hotel for the Teach Them Diligently Marketplace in Dallas in two weeks – woot!woot!

On the blog this week:

You may have noticed that the annual “Back to (Home) School” carnival kicked off this week. You might have also noticed that we also have decided to start using their names on the blog (goodbye pseudonyms!) Also going on, I have a Lilla Rose Flexi Clip giveaway going that ends TONIGHT – don’t miss it!

I’m Reading:

~ Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World – we’re covered chapter 4 in our ladies’ group last week.
~ Improving Your Serve – we just started chapter 9 in our Sunday night group
~ The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance: Nurturing Your Marriage Through the Homeschool Years – I put this down when I only had a couple of chapters left so I picked it back up again. (I have a bad habit of putting books down and forgetting about them for a while.)

Good Links For You:

Linked up with: Weekly Wrap up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers; Homeschool Mother’s Journal at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler?; and Collage Friday at Homegrown Learners.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!