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I’m not one of those “I love Summer” kind of people. It’s too hot. It’s too sweaty.

But Summer’s not ALL bad. There are *some* things I like about Summer. It may not be Summer here yet as far as the calendar is concerned.. but let me tell you–it’s Summer here in Texas!

10 Things To Love About Summer

10 Things I (actually do) Love About Summer (which I’m not a fan of.)

1.) Sandals, flip flops, and bare feet.  — True, I wear these all throughout the year unless it’s COLD but I like being able to wear warm weather shoes so freely.

2.) Summer Nailpolish. — This goes along with #1, yes, but it has to be included. I keep my toes painted most of the time, but especially during the summer. And Summer just calls for bright and fun colors!

3.) The Sno Cone shack is open. — We don’t eat many, but it’s such an easy and fun way to take the kids out for a special treat.

4.) Cookouts. — Yes, we have cookouts in the fall, but there are so many in the summer. Cookouts are awesome.

5.) The 4th of July/ Fireworks. — Speaking of cookouts, we often have one for the 4th of July, and I have always been fascinated by fireworks!

6.) Summer haircuts. — I needz one. It’s time to chop off about half of my hair again. : )

7.) More daylight. — I will never complain about more sunshine. (I just wish it wasn’t so hot.) =p

8.) Vacation Bible School. — Something the kids look forward to every summer. It’s such as blessing for them to be able to go.

9.) Home Made Ice Cream. — We have an ice cream and frozen yogurt maker and summer is the perfect time to use it! (If I didn’t have one already, I’d want this one!)

10.) The end of Summer. — What?? Can you blame me? Fall is my favorite, so naturally I’m happy to see that transition from Summer to Fall.


Linked up with Angie’s Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings.

Image Background Source: Hat And Flip-flops On The Beach by Petr Kratochvil

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!