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how to blog

Do not look away. This post is not just for newbie bloggers, or blogger wannabes. This post is for everyone who is even remotely involved in blogging or social media. This post is for you!

How to Blog: The iBlog eBook

Today we’re releasing our hugely awesome ebook, “iBlog: Everything You Need To Know About Blogging.”  By “we” I mean myself and the 30 other blogging women that contributed to this 38-chapter, 400+ page, extensive resource for bloggers who want to up their game or just get in it. And we’re not even charging very much for it, it’s only $7.99 {Get it here.}

That might almost sound overwhelming, except that it’s clearly organized into easy chapters to help you find exactly whichever topic you want to read up on first. Check out the table of contents:

Building a Vision for Your Blog  \  Finding Your Niche  \  Blog Design 101  \  Designing and Starting Your Blog on Wordpress  \  Designing and Starting Your Blog on Blogger  \  Disclosure and Privacy Policies  \   Writing and Using an Elevator Pitch   \  Blog Planning and Organization  \  Basic SEO  \  Stock Image Tips  \ 
Blog Photography 101  \  Streamlining Your Research  \  Getting Your Blog Off the Ground  \  Building Your Brand  \  Building Community Through Your Blog  \  How to Get Traffic to Your Blog  \  How to Get Subscribers  \  Guest Posting  \  Link‐ups, Hops, and Other Events  \  Using Facebook to Grow Your Blog  \  Facebook Parties  \  Facebook Hops  \  Using Twitter to Grow Your Blog  \  Using Pinterest to Grow Your Blog  \  Using Freebies to Build Your Blog  \  How to Create Your Own Printables  \  Selling Your Own Products  \  Using Affiliate Marketing  \  How to Write a Media Kit  \  How to Write a Product Review  \  Working as a Virtual Assistant  \  Running a Group Blog  \  Marriage and Blogging  \  Balancing Motherhood and Blogging  \  Balancing Homeschooling and Blogging  \  Using Your Blog as a Ministry  \  Time Saving Blog Tips  \  The Power of Attending a Blogging Conference

iblog quote 1See something in there you’d like to know more about? Truly, there is something here for everyone. {Find out more.}

The Ladies Behind this “How to Blog” Manual:

Want to know more about the bloggers behind the book? I myself contributed two of the chapters (Facebook Parties and Disclosure Policies,) but you’ll recognize most of these other lovely ladies also:

Amy Maze, Amy Roberts, Carlie Kercheval, Cindy West, Colleen Kessler, Dollie Freeman, Erica Arndt, Erica Deuel, Heather Bowen, Jamerrill Stewart, Jasmine Lucero, Jennifer (Mama Jenn),
Jen Dunlap, Jennifer Janes, Jimmie Lanley, Joan Otto, Kathy Gossen, Kris Bales, LaToya Edwards, Lisa Baldwin, Marci Goodwin, Mary Prather, Maureen Spell, Richele McFarlin, Sarah Robinson, Stacie Nelson, Tabitha Philen, Ticia Messing, Tiffany Manley, Tricia Hodges

iblog quote2I seriously adore these ladies, and I’m sure you do, too. We’ve all worked really hard on this ebook and I really hope you love it.

Where to get iBlog?

You can buy this ebook by clicking on the image below, or this link right here –> Buy iBlog now.


Disclosure: As an author, I get commission for every ebook sold through my link (only through my link.) Your purchase here supports my family in a very tangible way, and as always, I thank you.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!