by Classic Housewife

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Blogging and Memes

Want to Know How to Blog? Today: iBlog – Everything You Need To Know About Blogging

[maxbutton id=”1″] Do not look away. This post is not just for newbie bloggers, or blogger wannabes. This post is for everyone who is even remotely involved in blogging or social media. This post is for you! How to Blog: The iBlog eBook Today we’re releasing our hugely awesome ebook, “iBlog: Everything You Need To Know About Blogging.”  By “we” I mean myself and the 30 other blogging women that …

Blogging and Memes

How to Blog: Conclusion

I hope you’ve learned a few things during the course of this series, I know I have! I planned on doing a Q&A, answering any questions anyone might have, but nobody asked any questions so I’m going to assume that you’re all masters of the blogosphere now. Congratulations! Before wrapping up, I wanted to share this fabulous video that explains Twitter better than anything I’ve seen yet. It all makes …

Blogging and Memes

How To Blog, Part 5: Monetizing Your Blog

A series on blogging would be incomplete without at least a nod in the direction of Monetizing. It’s something most bloggers ask about at some point, it’s something many bloggers are doing right now, and it’s something that some bloggers are doing very well at. It really is possible to turn your blog into a paid income. But make no mistake, it will take work. It will be, for all …