BundleoftheWeek.com, 5 eBooks for $7.40!

Have you heard of the new website Bundle of the Week? Each week they feature a new bundle of 5 theme related ebooks for only $7.40. This week’s bundle is homeschool themed — and my ebook is in it!! WOOT!

5 Homeschool Ebooks, $7.40

Homeschooling by the Numbers by Angie Kauffman
Homeschooling by the Numbers is a 74-page collection of essays covering everything from toddlers to adolescents, from reading to science to art, and from formal studies to taking trips.  Most of all, this collection offers homeschoolers encouragement no matter where they’re at in their homeschooling journey.

So, You Think You Wanna Homeschool? by Tiffany Manley
So, You Think You Wanna Homeschool? takes you step-by-step through the processes of starting to homeschool and fine-tuning your approach, covering homeschooling styles, curriculum choices, and educational philosophies. You’ll find information on homeschooling methods, curricula, finding a support system, how to use a scope and sequence, how to deal with the questions of others, how to overcome the feeling of complete inadequacy and more!

You Can Do It Too! compiled by Lorilee Lippincott
You Can Do It Too! is a series of interviews with 25 homeschool families answering questions of ‘Why do you homeschool?’ ‘What does it look like?’ ‘How do you find what to teach? ‘What do your kids think?’ and much more. This book is an in-depth look at the hows and whys of homeschooling from real families in the trenches.

Simply Homeschool by Karen DeBeus
In Simply Homeschool, Karen shares her own experiences as a homeschooling mom as well as the lessons she’s learned along the way. With encouragement and tips for getting rid of physical and mental clutter, choosing curriculum, setting schedules, meal planning, avoiding the comparison trap and keeping God first, this ebook is sure to encourage you in your own homeschool.

ABC’s of Eclectic Homeschool by Amber Oliver
The ABC’s of Eclectic Homeschool is a hopeful, helpful read for new and veteran homeschoolers designed to encourage you to find your own eclectic groove and discover what works for your family in the face of so many options, choices, ideas, needs, requirements, methods and standards.

Pick up your bundle now!

(P.S. Bundle of the Week has a great affiliate program, too, check that out also!)

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!