by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 6 RESULTS
School at Home

Homeschool E-Book Bundle of the Week Deal!

Have you heard of the new website Bundle of the Week? Each week they feature a new bundle of 5 theme related ebooks for only $7.40. This week’s bundle is homeschool themed — and my ebook is in it!! WOOT! 5 Homeschool Ebooks, $7.40 Homeschooling by the Numbers by Angie Kauffman Homeschooling by the Numbers is a 74-page collection of essays covering everything from toddlers to adolescents, from reading to …


Training Your Children In Home Economics {Review}

Kids. Chores. Allowances. Home Economics. They all go together, right? Seems to me that training your children in Home Economics is the logical solution to teaching them how to pitch in and work around the house. What I like about taking this approach is that it’s about more than just getting the work done, it’s about instilling these skills and abilities in our kids so they can run their own …