Homeschooling, like life, is both rewarding and hard work. With each passing year there are things that get easier (no more toddlers!) and things that get harder (hormonal tweens anyone?) The one constant in my day from yesterday to today and for tomorrow is that I cannot do this on my own – I need support, encouragement and the strength of Christ.

School is Where the Home Is: 180 Devotions for Parents

“School is Where the Home Is” is a devotional book for homeschooling moms (and dads) written by homeschool mom, Anita Mellott. It’s written with a deep simplicity in which Anita quickly and simply illustrates a scriptural truth that applies to our attitude and approach to homeschooling. It’s also comfortable and conversational, which makes it easy to read, and short passages, which makes it easy to read when you’re short on time. (As a homeschool mom, that’s probably all of the time, right?)

Meet Anita Mellott

I’ve already introduced you to Anita a little bit, but if you missed it, Anita is a wife and homeschooling mom who–shortly after finishing her devotional, School is Where the Home Is–was recently diagnosed with a painful, degenerative disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Anita grew up in India “climbing mango trees, and devouring books and mangoes.” With multiple degrees in journalism and communications, Anita worked for many years as a writer and editor for Habitat for Humanity International. But it was after God ended an almost ten year battle with infertility with the high risk pregnancy and birth of her daughter that God began to draw her to writing to encourage others. That calling in her heart grew and Anita has written for many homeschoolers through sites such as Homeschool Enrichment, the Home Educating Family blog and also It is because of the many ups and downs in her life that Anita is able to write with both real perspective and real Hope.

Inside the Devotional

From the very beginning, the first page of the Foreword, I’m drawn into the book and into agreement as I read her perspective on teaching our children – a perspective that I share wholeheartedly.

We are to love God. We are to teach our children to love God. And we are to do this teaching as we go through the course of everyday life.

I couldn’t agree more. But then I turn the page and she goes on.

Accordingly, the spiritual significance of successful homeschooling cannot possibly be overstated since it directly involves the fulfillment of both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. We are teaching our children to love God with the ultimate goal of discipling a nation.

Knowing that we’re on the same page gives me encouragement of more to come as I dig into the daily devotions. I suspect that Anita likes to keep things organized. I don’t really know for sure, but the order and routine of her book makes me think she might. Each devotion is about a page in length–maybe a little more or a little less, and each has the same structure.

  1. Day number and category at the top
  2. Catchy title that relates to the key thought.
  3. Key verse for the passage.
  4. Real life story and lesson from Anita’s experiences.
  5. “Digging Deeper” – a question and/or a verse to consider and apply toward your own experiences.

As I just mentioned, all of the devotionals are labeled with one of eight categories. You can read through the book in order, or if you desire, you could look for a devotional for a certain category if you needed to hear some encouragement in a particular area. The categories are outlined in the beginning of the book.

  • A Faith of Their Own – about leading our children to develop their own walk with God
  • And a Child Will Lead Them – seeing life through a child’s eyes
  • Gifts We Give Our Children – the intangible things we give our kids, developing and nurturing their hearts
  • Homeschool Basics – practical help and encouragement
  • Homeschool Foundations – biblical fundamentals for homeschooling
  • Homeschool and Family – handling the impact of homeschooling on different areas of family life
  • Homeschool and You – the impact of homeschooling on the main educator (mainly mom)
  • Spiritual vitamins – spiritual refreshment

Inside the devotions themselves I find truth, wisdom, smiles and hope. On Day One I underlined the following quote – something I need to remind myself of often.

Successfully homeschooling her hadn’t rested on my academic qualifications and abilities, but on Jesus, my source.


Giving and Providing

The publisher, Judson Press, has provided copies of Anita’s book to give away to help us promote the devotional, spread the word, and by doing so, help support Anita and her family. Anita’s condition is painful, and being degenerative and incurable, is “treated” by managing the symptoms which requires a lot of medical care and medicines which usually come with undesirable side effects. Any degree to which we can promote the book for Anita will be a big help to her.

Eight bloggers are doing reviews and giveaways this week to spread the word.

Also: iHomeschool Network is proud to support Anita, her fabulous book, and these book reviews. As an expression of that support, iHN is paying to ship the winners’ books to them.

You can help, too. As you enter the giveaway you will have opportunities to earn extra entries by sharing the giveaway. You can also enter (and share) the giveaways on the other blogs as well. (Listed below.) None of these methods are required to enter, but I want to thank you in advance for sharing if you do. Thank you.

To enter to win a copy of School is Where the Home Is, follow the directions below in the Rafflecopter App.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you would like to buy School is Where the Home Is:

School is Where the Home Is Anita Mellott

You can purchase School Is Where the Home Is through Amazon for $10.87. All proceeds go to Anita and her family to support them and help with medical bills.  Please prayerfully consider making this purchase to help this homeschool mom in need.
You can also connect with Anita here:
Additionally support Anita by sharing Anita’s story and School Is Where the Home Is:

Disclosure: I received a free copy of School Is Where the Home Is from Judson Press for review. All opinions are my own. I was not required to write a positive review. I receive no compensation for this review.  There are NO affiliate links in this post.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!