Sometimes you really like a product.. and sometimes, you REALLY, LIKE, a product.

Like, say, my daughter’s new FaithGirlz NIV Bible, Revised Edtion, by ZonderKidz.
NIV may not be my personal preference as far as translations go, but when I watch my kids read and cherish their bible–translation shmanslation. There is plenty of time for them to develop their own translation preference later. Right now I just want my kids to learn to read and love to read their bible. For Drama Queen, who was instantly sold the minute she found out it was a “TWEEN” girls bible, her new bible has become a book that she feels proud to own, desirous to read and curious about, thanks to the big girl feel, the colorful appeal and the study snippets sprinkled throughout the text. It just makes me smile.

So you know that I’m happy. Let me give you some reasons why, shall I?

What can you expect from a FaithGirlz Bible?

~ Historical background introduction for each book and each Testament

This is a big plus for me, I really want the girls to know things like “who wrote it,” “who it was written to” and “when it was written.” You can see here that it’s also written in a way that’s not dry and boring, but really connects them with the storyline.

Informative “Oh, I Get It” boxes with answers to curious questions.

The thing I like about this is that it encourages the kids to think a little bit farther than just reading the text. For example, they might not think about the specialness of the marriage union, two being one, on their own. I like “thinking.” We need thinking kids. Enough said.

“Heart Check” type quizzes with Scripture for further reading.

Pointing them to scripture that has something to say about what they’re feeling? YES. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness…” 2 Timothy 3:16. We do this outside of bible reading time, too, but this is a great reminder that God really did give us help for EVERY need.

Periodic “journaling review” sections…

I told Drama Queen whether she wants to write in her bible or not is up to her, but at the very least she can answers these aloud. The purpose here is to just review and cement the comprehension of what’s going on in each story. Of course there isn’t one for EVERY story. But you’ll find these scattered throughout the bible with some kind of key point at the end and it’s one more way they’re helping the girls actually study and think about what they are reading.

Trinkets of wisdom that make it all relevant..

“How does this apply to me?” How many of us have asked that question before? These little passages help the kids think about what they have in common with certain passages and give them something they can take away from it. They’re not all convicting, some of of them are encouraging, it depends on the passage. But they all point to God. (Awesome.)

Other things you’ll find in the FaithGirlz Bible:

  • Sections called “Dream Girl” where you put yourself in their shoes.
  • “Words to Live By”  – sections with verses to remember/memorize.
  • At the back you’ll find a table of weights and measures, a page about How to Begin a Relationship With Jesus, a chart for reading through the bible in a year (very cool!), a list of verses topically (fear, doubt, obedience, etc.), a list of verses by keyword, and several pages for notes.

And I’ll tell you what you won’t find.. what I like to call “marshmallow fluff.” You know what I’m talking about. Lightweight, sugary, self-gratifying, empty calories. The snippets and tidbits don’t just deal with the externals and say “be nice, get along, love your brother.” They point to God, they look at the heart. They serve a little bit of meat. I really like that.

Are there any drawbacks?

Some might not like the translation – like I already said, I don’t mind.

The FaithGirlz Bible is a fairly large hardback book, which some might complain about but I find that hardback books are better for rambunctious nine year olds — anyone else? Also, it should fit in a standard size bible case with handles but we haven’t bothered because Drama Queen hasn’t complained about carrying it.

Obviously it’s for girls, not boys. (Sorry boys.)

My vote: two thumbs up. Drama Queen’s vote: two thumbs up and a big grin. So there you go. If you’ve been wondering about the FaithGirlz Bible, if it’s worth the investment, if your girls will like it.. I hope I’ve been helpful. If you have any questions feel free to ask! I’ll answer.


***A very big thanks to Audra Jennings and The B&B Media Group for providing the FaithGirlz Bible in exchange for an honest review.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!