Homeschooling, like life, is both rewarding and hard work. With each passing year there are things that get easier (no more toddlers!) and things that get harder (hormonal tweens anyone?) The one constant in my day from yesterday to today and for tomorrow is that I cannot do this on my own – I need support, encouragement and the strength of Christ. School is Where the Home Is: 180 Devotions …
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Marriage Monday ~ Reliable
As we’ve gone through this series, I’ve tried to be open about my shortcomings. Just in case you’ve missed all of those examples and are starting to misunderstand and idealize my performance as a wife — this is the one that’s going to seal the deal. Let there be no mistake, this is a big shortcoming for me. I think all the sayings about good intentions might have been written …
Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ September 14, 2012
Tidbits of life and nuggets of goodness gathered this week, harvested and blended like a tasty cup of hot tea. Grab a sip and savor the flavor of life here at Classic Housewife.