by Classic Housewife

Showing: 1 - 3 of 158 RESULTS
Just Me

Looking Back on 2012

Every year I take a few minutes to look back and remember the special events and blessings we’ve received. The year of 2012 has been an incredible journey! Here are some of the great highlights from this past year, in no particular order: I met Dana from Roscommon Acres in person. And also in 2012, Tiggy’s House was completely funded – yay! Drama Queen took up guitar (and has a …

Faith and God


I’ve been MIA online. I’ve been busy… busy being very blessed. I like to see the blessings in every day, it’s true, but God has been busy! I had so many things I wanted to write about, share with you – our Advent celebrations, our “family stocking,” our continued reading of “Destination: Bethlehem,” my kitchen remodel project, and so much more. But I couldn’t stop long enough to write any …